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Hey everyone! Here is the full preview of November!

"When the hyena wants to eat its children, it first accuses them of smelling like goats."
- African Proverb

Prepare for the Howling Horde - Bite release!

What you get - all presupported!

  • Akata - 1 pose - 100mm base 
  • Akata - bust
  • Iku - Hyena Dragon - 1 pose - 100mm base 
  • Gnoll Ettins - 2 poses -75mm base 
  • Gnoll Slaver - 1 pose - 75mm base 
  • Claws of Akata - 4 poses -  25mm base 
  • Gnoll Brutes - 5 poses - 50mm base 
  • Gnoll Trackers - 4 poses - 50mm base 
  • Gnoll Scouts - 4 poses - 25mm base

Archvillain Society Vol. V

  • Bayard Ironblast - Giantblood Saboteur - 25mm base 
  • Ozil Cusali - Orc Monk - 25mm base 
  • Voltavas Pinegrove - Wood Elf Ranger - 25mm base

(Please note that sizes are ballpark figures and not exact measurements)

Howling Horde - Bite drops on November 2!

Now lets go back to the Eye of the Storm release and the painting contest, here are the winners and their awesome paint jobs:

#1 Fabrizio Bossetti

#2 Daniel Gr

#3 Joren Mathews



Steven Crawford

OMG these gnolls are fantastic. I know how I'm spending my November.

Dennis Weiss

Awesome models! As a Skaven player a lot of these could be proxied as rather brutal Rat Ogers or even a Clan Moulder hero with the slaver, without much hassle. I have no printer yet, but am saving up for one. Yet I dont regret subscribing to you guys, for this STLs will be worth their weight in gold once I get into printing. Keep up the good work :)


I like the designs but am curious how much of that detail is actually going to come through on a print. I want to see a few of these printed.


This would be PERFECT for testing my new elegoo mars 3


These gnoll-sculpts look AWESOME. Gnolls are a favorite villain in my campaigns, and these sculpts really showcase some of what makes them such great villains.


I have been struggling to found really nice gnoll mini, those are everything i could have hope to found.


You guys outdid yourselves with that heyena dragon🤯


Awesome. I usually drop in for a month on patreon if there is something I really like and then leave again (too many great creators, I'm trying to spread my support a bit), but I won't skip next month.


These gnoll models look amazing, hands down the best i have seen. Would love to see contunied support to the Howling Horde Gnoll releases to make them usable as a stand-in army (with more "infantry sized sclupts") for AoS or other wargames! Keep up the great work!

James Crowder

Absolutely phenomenal looking sculpts! I can't wait to print and paint a few of these.

Walter Hosking

These really are great. I'm a little unsure on the dragon...maybe I can just use it as a demon of some sort.