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💡💡💡--> PLEASE read ALL of this post to ensure a smoother experience as it contains answers to most of your questions.

ATTENTION: Links are valid until the last day of November, grab your downloads on time!

Initial Upload - 2 November 2021

  • Akata - 1 pose - 100mm base
  • Akata - bust
  • Iku - Hyena Dragon - 1 pose - 100mm base
  • Gnoll Ettins - 2 poses -75mm base
  • Gnoll Slaver - 1 pose - 75mm base
  • Claws of Akata - 4 poses -  25mm base
  • Gnoll Brutes - 5 poses - 50mm base
  • Gnoll Trackers - 4 poses - 50mm base
  • Gnoll Scouts - 4 poses - 25mm base

Archvillain Society Vol. V

  • Bayard Ironblast - Giantblood Saboteur - 25mm base
  • Ozil Cusali - Orc Monk - 25mm base
  • Voltavas Pinegrove - Wood Elf Ranger - 25mm base

(Please note that sizes are ballpark figures and not exact measurements)

  • The Howling Horde - Bite 5e module (for the Archvillain Tier only)
  • An exclusive 50% discount code on our MyMiniFactory store products!


1. Monthly Release download links


2. Sinister Vault download links


3. Archvillain Tier Links (13.99$) - Adventure for the 5th Ed. of Dungeons and Dragons


💡💡💡-->For new patrons!

Don't forget your FREEBIE! - Free model with a 2 min survey!

💡💡💡-->Sinister Vault

Don't forget to download your welcome package! The Sinister Vault is our welcome gift to you so you also get access to:

  • A 10cm tall dragon
  • A fallen angel
  • the draketh champion Torgrasyl
  • 7 Heroes
  • the Archvillain Statue and
  • some terrain to go with your miniatures!

💡💡💡-->MyMiniFactory Fulfillment

We fulfill the 3D files of each monthly release on MyMiniFactory on the month after! That means:

  • Files stay in your MMF library FOR GOOD!
  • You save tons of storage on your hard drive!
  • No rush to get the files at the end of the month since they will be sent to you in the first 10 days of the next one!

💡💡💡--> Recurring Villain Rewards

After becoming our patron, if you stay with us for 3 consecutive months (starting September 2020) or more, you gain access to the Recurring Villain rewards, you earn the right to a free model we make for you!

Behold the 3-month loyalty reward, the Astral Drifter! Comes with a 5e statblock!

Behold the 6-month loyalty reward, Frenya, the Ice Queen!

Behold the 9-month loyalty reward, Malmogron - Scion of Affliction!

💡💡💡--> Past Releases and 50% discount ONLY for patrons!

A meaty 50% discount code for all patrons! This discount is valid for every product from the store including the bundles!

Just type in "AVGAKATA" upon checkout at our store !

P.S. Code is valid until the last day of the month!

💡💡💡--> Painting contests!

💡💡💡-->Join our community!

💡💡💡--> Other important information

Recurring Villain Rewards will be redeemed via MyMiniFactory (read more HERE). You can read more information on pre supported files HERE

Happy printing,

The Archvillain Team

P.S:  👋👋👋 NEED HELP? 👇👇👇

Post a comment below if you think the community can assist you. Your fellow patrons are happy to help! Contact us directly by direct message, not in the comments. We love hearing from you, but we are unable to read all the comments since Patreon's notification system makes it inevitable to miss some of your comments. By messaging us directly you help us spend more time on creating awesome content, for you to enjoy!




12GB o_o I need to start thinking about storage for these files as my print folder is getting chubby. Keep 'em coming.


I can recommend uncompressing the files and recompressing them with 7z using lzma and maximum compression. That usually saves me 30% to 50% in filesize.


That is an option, but it would reduce availability of the files as they would have to be unarchived each time (too much hassle). I will just start using onedrive cloud. On the other hand, compared to the price of all monthly subs, resins, colors... another HDD is pocket change


It works for my workflow, I open them straight from the archive usually. (This is on Arch linux using Gnome, so YMMV)


Hi, just subscribed. The link for the November release works fine, but I can’t find the Sinister Vault. Does it become available later? Thanks


are they not using google drive anymore


Check previous month, its available there


iss there anyway to access previous releases or is it only moth to moth on the subs ?


I think the idea is all the previous content is on myminifactory and subs use their 50% off code for whatever older stuff they want


damn that really sucks. I don't always remember to download them so what am i paying monthly for?