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💡💡💡--> PLEASE read ALL of this post to ensure a smoother experience as it contains answers to most of your questions.

ATTENTION: Links are valid until the last day of October, grab your downloads on time!

Initial Upload - 2 October 2021

  • Lilith, the First Blood Daughter - 100mm base - 1 pose
  • Lilith, the First Blood Daughter  - Bust
  • Vladoscar -  100mm base along with Gerasim Rosunescu (rider) - 1 pose
  • Vampire Elders - 75mm base - 3 poses
  • Batwarg Riders - 50mm base - 4 poses
  • Dread Hussars - 50mm base - 4 poses
  • Vampire Miasma - 50mm base - 4 poses
  • Count Vladimir Rosunescu - 25mm base - 1 pose
  • Bloodcloaks - 25mm base - 4 poses
  • Daughters of Lilith - 25mm base - 4 poses

Archvillain Society Vol.4

  • Draqul - Dragonborn Barbarian -25mm base
  • Makar Orlov - The Green Wizard -25mm base
  • Kostya Alexandrov - Warlock of Lilith -25mm base

(Please note that sizes are ballpark figures and not exact measurements)

  • The Bloodright - Red Reign 5e module (for the Archvillain Tier only)
  • An exclusive 50% discount code on our MyMiniFactory store products!


1. Monthly Release download links


2. Sinister Vault download links


3. Archvillain Tier Links (13.99$) - Adventure for the 5th Ed. of Dungeons and Dragons


💡💡💡-->For new patrons!

Don't forget your FREEBIE! - Free model with a 2 min survey!

💡💡💡-->Sinister Vault

Don't forget to download your welcome package! The Sinister Vault is our welcome gift to you so you also get access to:

  • A 10cm tall dragon
  • A fallen angel
  • the draketh champion Torgrasyl
  • 7 Heroes
  • the Archvillain Statue and
  • some terrain to go with your miniatures!

💡💡💡-->MyMiniFactory Fulfillment

We fulfill the 3D files of each monthly release on MyMiniFactory on the month after! That means:

  • Files stay in your MMF library FOR GOOD!
  • You save tons of storage on your hard drive!
  • No rush to get the files at the end of the month since they will be sent to you in the first 10 days of the next one!

💡💡💡--> Recurring Villain Rewards

After becoming our patron, if you stay with us for 3 consecutive months (starting September 2020) or more, you gain access to the Recurring Villain rewards, you earn the right to a free model we make for you!

Behold the 3-month loyalty reward, the Astral Drifter! Comes with a 5e statblock!

Behold the 6-month loyalty reward, Frenya, the Ice Queen!

Behold the 9-month loyalty reward, Malmogron - Scion of Affliction!

💡💡💡--> Past Releases and 50% discount ONLY for patrons!

A meaty 50% discount code for all patrons! This discount is valid for every product from the store including the bundles!

Just type in "AVGBLOOD" upon checkout at our store !

P.S. Code is valid until the last day of the month!

💡💡💡--> Painting contests!

💡💡💡-->Join our community!

💡💡💡--> Other important information

Recurring Villain Rewards will be redeemed via MyMiniFactory (read more HERE). You can read more information on pre supported files HERE

Happy printing,

The Archvillain Team

P.S:  👋👋👋 NEED HELP? 👇👇👇

Post a comment below if you think the community can assist you. Your fellow patrons are happy to help! Contact us directly by direct message, not in the comments. We love hearing from you, but we are unable to read all the comments since Patreon's notification system makes it inevitable to miss some of your comments. By messaging us directly you help us spend more time on creating awesome content, for you to enjoy!




It seems Lilith is missing from the pre-supported folder.


Yep, Lilith missing already on the presupported ones


Greetings, The files will be there in the next 2 hours as we are having bandwidth issues. Thank you for your support.


Greetings, The files will be there in the next 2 hours as we are having bandwidth issues. Thank you for your support.

Jan Mehrens

Scrolling past the loyalty rewards made me think of a few questions. :) Is there going to be a 12 month loyalty reward? And do you plan to stop doing them at some point? Also, if you keep going will you go with 15 month, 18 month etc rewards or will you do what some other patreons do and add additional miniatures to the 3,6,9 rewards? Sorry if you answered that already and i missed it.


Greetings, We are still looking at the Loyalty Rewards scheme but for now, there will be no additional models. Thank you for your supporr!


Hello, the first thing to say is some incredible designs, the second thing to say that I have put some models to print and when they have come out I have seen that they were really small, like half of what they should be, I have checked the file and all the models come to a reduced size, and I downloaded the file again and they are also in a reduced size, I would like to know if it has happened to someone else, or is it a common problem and rescuing the supports are still worth me and what would be the correct rescue 140%, a cordial greetings and thanks for your attention.

Mr. J

Looked good to me, Lilith Bust was 99mm for me when I imported it...


We are not sure what you mean by "half of what they should be". All the models have been delivered at the intended/advertised size and this particular sizing is being used for all of our releases. Thank you for your support.


I found the vampire on the Zombie dragon to be quite small, but I haven't printed any "human" scaled mini from Archvillain before, so that might just be their scale. I think 130-140% might more like for example Games Workshop scale.


Has anyone tried to resize the Dread Hussars closer to GW Blood Knight scale? Just going of the base size it is about 50% increase but how does the horse and rider look in comparison? I first went for 20% increase because for some reason I thought Blood Knights are on 60mm bases. Very happy with print but it looks small next to my Chaos Knights so it definitely needs to go up more to look similiar next to GW cavalry....


Same with the vamps - have anyone tried to make proxies for some Vampire Lords etc?

Eric Kooistra

It seems that Count Vladimir Rosunescu is either on a 50mm base (instead of 25mm) or scaled incorrectly. Presupported print fails at 50% scale; anyone else noticing this issue?


Weird I thought I posted here last night. The Misasma files for Lychee are not labeled correctly based on the same pictures in the same file. Also the names are not consistent vs what is seen when looking at the object in lychee. Example open Base 2 pre support, shows as Base 1 in lychee. You can tell which base is suppose to be for each due to the smoothing grove for the. hands. Think you need to re-export them all based on the images.


The unsupported wing for the Dire Bat Rider pose 1 is missing from the SYNC link.

Nick Fantastic

Heya, I noticed recently that I couldn't find the discord server on my list. Coming here now to try and join again/. It says that I'm unable to accept the invite. Just wondering what happened and such.

Gavin Butstraen

Could it be the hollowed presupported STL for the first part of the Dreadwing base is missing on sync? I did find part 2, but for part 1 only the non-hollowed version.

Keola Dacalio

Where do we access the loyalty models?

Jack Heath

Please excuse my ignorance. I have a friend who's getting a Phrozen Sonic Mega 8K Resin 3D Printer for his birthday. I became a Patron of Archvillain Games so I could give him some cool models to print. Do I need to give him the pre-supported files, or just the regular files? I don't understand the difference. (Sorry.)

JT Scharnhorst

I would just give the pre-supported. Pre-supported provides the model in a manner to make your prints come out with a higher success rate and to help avoid failures. You still might have to add supports yourself but this gives you a head start.

Thomas Hopkins

I suspect, if it means the same here as it does on other sites, the pre-supported models are files that have physical supports already integrated with the instructions on the file. That is necessary in order to not have a high likelihood of print failures. The non-supported files are probably so that people who are pros at adding their own supports can do so.


If you forgot to download a group of models from this set is there any way at all to obtain them still?

Thomas Mountain

Just became a patron and looking for the MMF discount code but can't seem to find it. Suggestions?

Marcus Hess

how can i buy the older Thing