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Hey everyone! Here is the full preview of October!

Time for the sinners to rule, prepare for Bloodright - Red Reign!

What you get - all presupported!

  • Lilith, the First Bloodaughter - 100mm base - 1 pose
  • Lilith, the First Bloodaughter  - Bust
  • Vladoscar-  100mm base along with Gerasim Rosunescu (rider) - 1 pose
  • Vampire Elders - 75mm base - 3 poses
  • Batwarg Riders - 50mm base - 4 poses
  • Dread Hussars - 50mm base - 4 poses
  • Vampire Miasma - 50mm base - 4 poses
  • Count Vladimir Rosunescu - 25mm base - 1 pose
  • Bloodcloaks - 25mm base - 4 poses
  • Daughters of Lilith - 25mm base - 4 poses

Archvillain Society

  • Draqul - Dragonborn Barbarian  - 25mm base
  • Makar Orlov - The Green Wizard  - 25mm base
  • Kostya Alexandrov - Warlock of Lilith - 25mm base

(Please note that sizes are ballpark figures and not exact measurements)

Bloodright - Red Reign drops on October 2!

Now lets go back to the Old World - Agama Rising release and the painting contest, here are the winners and their awesome paint jobs:

#1 Carlos Federico Tewes

#2 Eric Beymer

#3 Sophie TR



Wouter Kwant

can't wait to print these in full detail on my new mars 3

Justin Hollinsworth

Just in time for my Curse if Strahd campaign! 🦇


Holy cow, October looks amazing!

Piotr Sajewicz

Crazy cool as almost always!!!

Scott Baker

OMG. These sculpts are incredible!

Jake Toner


David Wilks

Love these. Will there be an unarmoured version of the bat? That looks awesome

Mark Burgess

Oh my God. These are just getting better and better each month.

Mark Burgess

Congrats to the winners. Great work.



Michael Nix

If you guys aren't getting Scott from Miniac to promote this release then I don't know what you're thinking.

joax55gaming .

I cant wait! Here I am sitting thinking about if I should play soulblight graveborn for AoS and now I most definetly will. Really looking forward to using some of theese models as proxies

Björn Malmros

Holy shit! Every month just keeps getting better. I dont care that Im not a playing SBG in AoS, I still want these models badly!

Denis Gorbaran

Duuudeee these are beautiful!!!

Tim Bieler

OMG, these are amazing

Alex Coombs

This is an incredible set!!! I can't wait for these!

Steve Lupo

This looks stunning!!

Broc Reed

These are pretty cool. Vampires are tough to nail down (pun fully intended) because they can look so dramatically different across settings. I'm not a fan of the full blown monstrous vampires. I think the ones that can blend in amongst society are far more sinister, which there is one of. I freaking love those blood cloaks, and the fully armored and helmets knights and dragon rider are crazy cool. I'll have to kit bash a lot of stuff to make it work for me, but the base is cool enough that I think it'll be worth the effort.


This is my favorite set yet

Dungeon Labs

You took last years Halloween theme and turned it up to 11. Well done.

Mario Rodriguez

my players definitely wont see this coming xD and these are great proxys to play WHU <3

Lawrence Chang

Awesome stuff! Tho really not a fan of those giant bats’ wings, the anatomy is just weird

Jefferson Thacker

I can't get over how amazing these sets are.

Kenny & Liley Pacacha


Boss Salvage

SO. MANY. BAT MONSTERS. Amazing release, mindblowingly great stuff this month. I started with y'all last October for gothic-bat-beast action and this is that dialed up to 11.

Alex A

Wow... just... wow.

Michael Münch

Will there be a version of Dreadwing - 100mm base along with Gerasim Rosunescu (rider) - 1 pose without the saddle?


This month's archvillain society looks amazing!

Satyam Gil Alais

yes is 1 october 2021 !!!!!!!!!!! Share this plz, i can't wait more !!!!!!! XD

lux hobbies

Cant wait to print these.


Wow ! I'm speechless. Those are fantastic sculpts ! Can't wait to print them


Man am I so glad I subbed to this team!

War Mammoth

Perfection is achieved (again)! Love it!


These sculpts are really something else, and congratulations to all who entered the competition - there are some beautiful paintjobs!

Michael Irish

Good Lord...."we're gonna need a LOT more resin...."

Anthony Bartolotta

I think the third place one should have won! So great!

Barokai Rein

Awesome looking models,I've straight up got absolutely no use for any of them atm but I'll happily have them in my library. One thing that would be awesome to see is chariots. Bloody nobody makes them even though a lot of wargames have them so I've only managed to find 2 models for those.


Squeals like a little girl!

Amber Arvila

Pretty much everything for this upcoming month looks amazing!!! The only thing that would be cool to see would be to have the little bats as separate files to print alone or as a swarm.

Jeff Wood

Amazing offerings for October! Thanks! Looking forward to printing these.

Emily Amity

I was just starting to piece together a Khorne blood bowl team using the demons from a few months ago and needed some Blood Seekers. Those Blood Cloaks will do perfectly!

Alexander Andrews

Not gonna lie, i really want to Upscale Lilith into a full on Statuette for a Vampire Castle Courtyard Battle Board.


Awesome, I can't wait for this release!! :)


*me, being awake since 4 AM because I couldnt sleep, refreshing this page in hope of getting the Lilith STL and starting printing her*


I did not say I was a reasonnable man. That would be lying. *resumes the refreshing*

Björn Malmros

Come on! Give us some models! Never been so hyped about a release before, and I am not even a vampire player (until now!). I hope ya'll are on CET because Im going to be staring at my patreon feed all night to catch it when it drops =)
