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Hello everyone!  It is time for a new... deadly... epic... heroic encounter!    As you know, in the last few months we collaborate with the Titan Forge Patreon to create that unique set of dioramas. Being able to provide you with more awesome models for your collection by working with other artists always feels great!
We are really proud of what we achieved with Titan Forge, it took our collaborations to next level and we hope to make this a recurring classic!
A new hero and a new beast are cyclically joining in in a form of a mini diorama!  Don't lose time!  Every second counts when the battle is on!

This month in the Deadly Encounter we will witness the shaman being ambushed by three chameleon stalkers! 

Download Deadly Encounters Chapter 5 now!  *LINK*
Titan Forge Patreon

The model will only be available to download until 31/08/2021!
Play out the duel and create your own unique tale!  To make each encounter memorable, we have included a base in the form of a mini diorama. We hope that it will inspire you to paint and display your artwork. We cannot wait to see the effects!  In the files, you will also find a specially made PDF sheet with the 5e rules.  We know that you are always looking for more stat blocks for your sessions. Incorporate new units, gather your forces and embark on a new quest!
Stay with us for more chapters of the Deadly Encounters that will be coming cyclically. Each time a new hero and a new beast will be put together to resolve their business in a new location!
Happy Printing, The Archvillain Games team
P.S. This diorama model is shared between the Archvillain Games and Titan Forge Patreon as a cross-promotion. It will not be available in the Archvillain Games store later and is not a part of a Archvillain Games Monthly Release. This diorama model will not be fulfilled on any other platform other than Patreon. This file is protected by the Titan Forge and the Archvillain Games terms and conditions of use and as such it may not be used commercially in any way. This diorama model can NOT be sold by any merchant member of the Archvillain Games Patreon - excluding the parts of the diorama that are also contained in the monthly release of Archvillain Games.




Beautiful work, well done! Would it be possible to have the vine covered walls as a separate file? It would be a wonderful asset to have as Im planning on running Tomb of Antihalation. Thank you in advance.


I never saw part 4! :(

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

Wow! Is it just me? Are others as excited and look forward to each new "Deadly Encounters Dioramas" as much as I do? I mean, damn! I feel like a kid getting a new toy. I love these. I really wish it were possible to have dioramas with all the models. Maybe even something epic as a display and carrying tray combo. It would be awesome! Thank you so much for these. Please continue to kick ass with them.

Tahara Sylvanfair

What was the first deadly encounter? I have 2-5, but not the first.


I have 3-5 is there any way for me to get 1-2?

Ian Martin

I think I've lost the first one as well. I know it was the rats in the sewer but I can't find the dam files

Tahara Sylvanfair

The zip had a different name. Which I don't know now because I changed the name. :( Maybe search for DE_Chapter?

Richard Gallerno

This is the 2nd Deadly Encounters download I've missed out on because I didn't get any email notice. I've been a patron for 9 months now. Not gonna lie... I'm rather disappointed!


Greetings. Email/notification preferences can be set up solely by you via your account preferences, on our part an email is sent out to all patrons who have email notification on each time we post. Thank you for your support!


It's not a huge loss for me because I subscribe to both and will only miss out on the diorama base, but please consider either bundling the extras in with the month's release, uploading to MMF, or giving us more time to download these in the future. I (probably like most) don't go to collect Patreon downloads more than twice a month, and a 5-6 day window is way too restrictive.


Think I missed this one. My fault for not grabbing it.


Is any way I can get this in my MMF y was in vacations and my acount was active but I don't realice this was in here and It isn't in the MMF so it would be great


Hello bakuchac, Ast stated in the post the Deadly Encounters collab is available only here for a limited time only