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💡💡💡--> PLEASE read ALL of this post to ensure a smoother experience as it contains answers to most of your questions.

ATTENTION: Links are valid until the last day of August, grab your downloads on time!

Initial Upload - 2 August 2021

UPDATE - 3 August 2021
Fixed pressuported stls (drain holes, floating mesh errors) for Titanoceratus and Blessed Claws of Ziskal (poses 1 and 2)

  • Titanoceratus Warband ≈ 100mm base
  • Fleshripper, Scion of Ziskal ≈ 100mm base
  • Blessed Claws of Ziskal - 3 poses ≈ 100mm base
  • Mankutter, Fleshripper Rider ≈ 75mm base
  • Mato Riders  -  4 poses ≈ 75mm base
  • Quetzal Riders - 4 poses ≈ 60mm base
  • Acolytes of Ziskal - 3 poses ≈ 60mm base
  • High Priest of Ziskal ≈ 60mm base
  • Agama Chameleons - 4 poses ≈ 50mm base
  • Agama Sundancers - 4 poses ≈ 25mm base
  • Blessed Claws of Ziskal - Bust

Archvillain Society Vol. 2

  • Tanya - Hound Master (25mm base)
  • Rupert - Mage Fanatic (25mm base)
  • Spoguk - Orc Warlock (40mm base)

(Please note that sizes are ballpark figures and not exact measurements)

  • The Old World - Agama Rising 5e module (for the Archvillain Tier only)
  • An exclusive 50% discount code on our MyMiniFactory store products!


1. Monthly Release download links


2. Sinister Vault download links


3. Archvillain Tier Links (13.99$) - Adventure for the 5th Ed. of Dungeons and Dragons


💡💡💡-->For new patrons!

Don't forget your FREEBIE! - Free model with a 2 min survey!

💡💡💡-->Sinister Vault

Don't forget to download your welcome package! The Sinister Vault is our welcome gift to you so you also get access to:

  • A 10cm tall dragon
  • A fallen angel
  • the draketh champion Torgrasyl
  • 7 Heroes
  • the Archvillain Statue and
  • some terrain to go with your miniatures!

💡💡💡-->MyMiniFactory Fulfillment

We fulfill the 3D files of each monthly release on MyMiniFactory on the month after! That means:

  • Files stay in your MMF library FOR GOOD!
  • You save tons of storage on your hard drive!
  • No rush to get the files at the end of the month since they will be sent to you in the first 10 days of the next one!

💡💡💡--> Recurring Villain Rewards

After becoming our patron, if you stay with us for 3 consecutive months (starting September 2020) or more, you gain access to the Recurring Villain rewards, you earn the right to a free model we make for you!

Behold the 3-month loyalty reward, the Astral Drifter! Comes with a 5e statblock!

Behold the 6-month loyalty reward, Frenya, the Ice Queen!

Behold the 9-month loyalty reward, Malmogron - Scion of Affliction!

💡💡💡--> Past Releases and 50% discount ONLY for patrons!

A meaty 50% discount code for all patrons! This discount is valid for every product from the store including the bundles!

Just type in "AVGAGAMA" upon checkout at our store !

P.S. Code is valid until the last day of the month!

💡💡💡--> Painting contests!

💡💡💡-->Join our community!

💡💡💡--> Other important information

Recuring Villain Rewards will be redeemed via MyMiniFactory (read more HERE). You can read more information on pre supported files HERE

Happy printing,

The Archvillain Team

P.S:  👋👋👋 NEED HELP? 👇👇👇

Post a comment below if you think the community can assist you. Your fellow patrons are happy to help! Contact us directly by direct message, not in the comments. We love hearing from you, but we are unable to read all the comments since Patreon's notification system makes it inevitable to miss some of your comments. By messaging us directly you help us spend more time on creating awesome content, for you to enjoy!




@Archvillian, can you please provide the larger models as SINGLE STL files please, ie not cut into parts - For example Fleshripper, Scion of Ziskal as a single file. Does not have to be supported so very little extra work for you. If the bigger models have riders - they should be seperate. Thank you.


Greetings. As discussed before, one piece stl files are not in the plans due to extra processing time, significantly greater storage needed that will cause download errors and lastly, yes, extra support work. You might personally not want the supports on those files but most subscribers will do so and that is impossible to pull of with the time frame we have. Finally, we do advertise our files as presupported - all of them - so we will not be offering non supported files. Thank you for your support.


The "Archvillain Society Vol. 2" In google drive does not contain the correct files. I did get them from sync though.


Greetings Alex, Please specify the error as we see all files present and identical in all 3 clouds.


It must have been a problem with my download. It all looks correct when i go there now. My download was missing most of the files. I can delete my original comment if needed. Thank you! Your models are amazing. Happy to be a supporter.


Some of us have smaller printers, so I for one am happy to see the big stuff being cut into parts. Some Patreons provide those AND a large single file.


@glitterwolf, I agree with you. I was just hoping before they cut the files up they could export the uncut whole model - not difficult and takes less than a minute. I understand the storage issues but 17gb vs 18gb - not really a lot of storage vs 6700 patreons!. Now the suporting of such a file I 100% understand - but make it a "special download not part of monthy download" for those who want it - so no need to support as its not really part of the offer.


We are sorry to hear you are dissapointed Andrew. To provide further answer to your assumptions on file size, the realistic numbers would be 17gb vs 30gb and not 18, and that is entirely dependant on polygon decimation. Still, it is not a matter of storage cost as that is trivial, its a matter of the clouds handling download spikes of that magnitude, and they currently do not. We do take all suggestions from our subscribers into account, however there are limitations to what we can do within a monthly timeframe, with the existing supporting technology and within the confines of how 3D modelling works. Lastly, if we ever do come up with a new offering/product - it will be available to all subscribers, in the same format as usual and not just to a portion of our subscriber base. Again thank you for your support and your understanding.


Thank you, while I may not agree with your reasoning, I understand your position. I am still a subscriber :)


Hey there First off, very nice work. Glad I'm backing you guys :) Question: Were we supposed to get Agama Stalkers as well? Or a stat block for it at least?


Also, some typos (and possibly better phrasing): If a creature isn't displayed in this Appendix you can find it in the 5e Handbook of the Player. This appendix may include statb;ocks from creatures that aren't part of the adventure. "5e Players Handbook", "statblocks"


Aaah, ok. I was going off the Random Encounters table. It references both "Agama Chameleons" and "Agama Stalkers". If you meant them to be Chameleons then no foul. Just a typo then :) Thanks for the quick reply :)


Hello! Looks like at least for the Agama Sundancers, the numbers on the images in the folders don't correspond to the numbers on the models. Not sure if this is also an issue on other models with multiple poses, but it might be worth looking into. Cheers!


New subscriber here: I don't see models or stat blocks for key characters mentioned in the module, such as Apprentice Jandiel Horntree or Hithian Broadaxe? Is it typical for this tier to have to fill in some blanks (use other minis not provided) with these modules? I had assumed that the Sinister Vault/Archvillain Society characters would come into play.


Greetings and welcome. The Sinister Vault is the welcome package while Archvillain Society is totally independent from the theme of the monthly release and the module. As for the module, all stat blocks for characters who do take part in encounters have been produced and included.


I've got a question about resizing some of the models. How much should I reduce the Blessed Claws of Ziskal to fit them on a 40mm or 60mm base? Other than that these are amazing!


hello! i downloaded all the files but for the High Priest of Ziskal i was only able to find an .lys file of the Base (in the folder ending in 002), is there an STL available?


I found the Base that I'm assuming is used for both the High Priest of Ziskal and Acolytes of Ziskal in the Acolytes folder. I'll leave this here for any who share my initial misunderstanding.

Dwayne Hinton

i just tried downloading the furniture zip from the sinister vault (sync) - AVG told me it has a virus or malware...

Dwayne Hinton

I thought I deleted this comment and made another one where I said it was a different download. Sorry about that


What will be the theme for September??? I'm really curious. I really loved the Dinos. So Cool.


there any way to get the models files anymore or no?