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Villains, heroes, anti-heroes… all are welcome here.

Whatever path your adventure takes, just know that you are responsible for your choices, whatever they may be.

No one is to be excluded from the society as long as they adhere to this. Accountability above all else.

As previously announced, each month we will be releasing a set of Society Members along with our normal monthly release. No extra cost to you, just extra value!

August release - Volume 2:

  • Tanya - Hound Master (25mm base)
  • Rupert - Mage Fanatic (25mm base)
  • Spoguk - Orc Warlock (40mm base)

Happy printing, The Archvillain Games Team




Ooh. I really hope those hounds can be printed separately. I've got some ideas for those.


Is there going to be a version of the hound master that isn’t attached to the hound? She looks really cool by herself. Hounds are a bonus.


My jaw dropped when I saw the Orc. Can't wait to print these.


Will these also be sent to us via MMF ?


They look awesome but was expecting some characters in theme with the current release - would have been great to get some Argonian looking characters

Brian Clymer

You didn't read the full post, did you? lol Anyway, the post states: "As previously announced, each month we will be releasing a set of Society Members along with our normal monthly release. No extra cost to you, just extra value!" The Archvillain Society models are included in the monthly releases.


Which will be on MMF I presume.


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