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Hey everyone!

Here are some photos of our prints of the current collection Khazaad - Steelbreaker Clan that we wanted to share with you!

Make sure you get your downloads before the month ends!

Happy printing,

The Archvillain Team



Jeremiah Sells

What printer and resin was used for these? They look great!


Looks awesome! Would love to know printer/resin/settings for these!


Shouldn't we get them on MMF after the month is over?


I second that. I am looking to purchase a new printer and would love to know what you use to get this quality


What happens afterthe month ends? I thought we had eternal access through MMF? Also; second the question of what was used to print these amazingly crisp minis...


These look great as always. Have you guys considered adding a singular zip file to download from sync instead of having to use their download all. mine keeps calculating then failing which leads to having to download all the pieces individually then putting them in new folders and blah blah blah. you guys are great and its just an idea.

Andrew Beymer

It has been used on a few patreon groups before and usually it fails due to calculation all the same (or at least did in my experience) but airbridge really has worked well for a lot of people! I’s give their ‘download all’ a try. :)

Robb Nunya

If it's a cross promotion with another creator, you won't be able to get that particular stl after the end of the month. Everything else will show up.

Vaughn Reynolds

Yes, this is simply to show what they look like printed. You will still get your files through MMF.

Vaughn Reynolds

You will still get your files through MMF. This is simply a show of what the models look like printed by us. :)