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Hey everyone!

Here are some photos of our prints of the current collection - The Queen's Web - Underworld that we wanted to share with you!

This post also comes with an announcement!

We have started remastering our older releases, mostly going in and producing Lychee files for the older models that were supported in Chitubox. We will also be holding some other surprises for you guys that we will be revealing next month!

Previous month backers will be getting the update in their MMF libraries next month!




AV , the layer lines are extremely visible . Consider printing it on hiigher resolution. I know it takes time, but 3D printing doesnt compete just within the 3D printing range but with plastic models as well. Plastic models tend to be smoother so a good selling point would be to show minimal layer lines. Otherwise thank you for showing us this :) , those are lovely models :)


Greetings, the layer height is 30um which is less than the default 50um most users use, the layer lines are visible because they are being shot with a professional high macro lens while the resin used is also slightly reflective : ) layer lines are a part of resin printing and showing none would not be accurate for any consumer : )


Thank you and these are great. I personally love that your showing real examples. Also keep up the great work I absolutely love your models. The detail and creativity is amazing!

Carlos Romero

I love the models. Someone does need to go and clean off all the leftover debris from the supports on the models in these pictures. I just spent the last 2 days doing that! ;)

Maximilian Schwarzbich

holy thats sharp! which resin and printer is that? looks awesome


Very cool supports are being updated. But in the mean time, I just printed the entire CobraDragon from Empire of the Sands on 1 Saturn plate using Vroom speeds. Not one broken support. Came out perfect :)

Shawn Hakl

Lychee is a great slicer. thank you for making the updates


Do you guys print it pre-supported by Archvillain Games, or do you make your own supports? It seems that original AG supports are a bit overkilled and uses more resin than the miniature.


i didn't ment to be offensive, minis are magnificent ;)

Broc Reed

I've been noticing that the normal human sized 30mm minis are consistently about 5 to 10% smaller than most equivalent minis. Would it be possible to size them a little larger by default? It's not too big of a deal because I can tailor them to my liking in slicing, but I lose the presupports in chitubox. These are some damn fine minis regardless, and I think this has been my favorite release since the death knights or frost giants


I've been having issues with the Arachni's coming up as non-manifold in Lychee. When I try to upload to netfabb to fix the issue it fails to load the mesh. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?


I get the same with the STL file (non-manifold and mesh issues). I'm having a tough time printing this one mini in general - Male Pose 2. Female STLs print fine. I have tried self-supporting, using pre-supported as well as and tweaking existing supports and am still having issues with the the Arachni's back 2nd and 3rd leg coming out flat. No doubt something I am doing with my settings. Where's the best spot to post pictures of these issues and receive feedback? Can we use the FB group?


Hello Darren, Please contact us directly so we can assist you. Messages in the comment section aren't processed correctly by Patreon.

Shawn Michaud

You can scale the .stl in chitubox up and it will scale the supports as well. 10% increase will not have any impact on print quality.

Broc Reed

Thanks, I ended up discovering a bit after I posted that that the .stl's will scale the supports as well while the .chitu's have to erase the supports upon resizing. A little counterintuitive, but I was able to resize them to a more fitting scale in the end