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Hey everyone!

Minions have been whipped and souls have been sacrificed so that we may present you all with..

The Queen's Web: Underworld! Here is a preview of April!


What you get - all presupported!

  • Dark Elf Adept (32mm) - 2 poses 
  • Dark Elf Oathsworn (32mm) - 2 poses 
  • Dark Elf Archmage (32mm) - 1 pose 
  • Dark Elf Wormling (32mm) - 2 poses 
  • Dark Elf Fighter (32mm) - 3 poses 
  • Dark Elf Swordmaster (32mm) - 1 pose 
  • Dark Elf Neophyte (32mm) - 1 pose 
  • Dark Elf Priestess (32mm) - 2 poses 
  • Dark Elf Matriarch (32mm) - 1 pose 
  • Drokzok Riders (50mm) - 4 poses 
  • Arachnis (50mm) - 4 poses 
  • Arachnis Ascended (100mm) - 1 pose 
  • Nhile, Avatar of Aranis (100mm) - 1 pose

The Queen's Web: Underworld drops on April 2!

On another note, lets go back to The Trench release and the painting contest, here are the winners and their awesome paint jobs:

#1 Dusdan Garver

#2 Jerome Roberty

#3 Carlos Federico Tewes

Winners please pm us so you can receive your goodies!


The Archvillain Team



Boss Salvage

LOVE the driders, can never have too many spider-chicks


Love love love them!


OK, I'm really looking forward to this one.


damnit i try to escape but then you go and do a truly magnificent drider......


Welp, looks like there’s going to be a drow invasion next campaign😂


Yes, yes, yes. thank you for increasing the ratio of 32mm miniatures versus the rest. And those sculpts are amazing, as always!


i wish they would make it easier to increase scale on those tiny little 32mm figures, what is the point of all the detail if you have to squint to see it

Gavin Biston

So another great offering, which tbh is what I’m coming to expect from AVG. I’m now on the hook for the second chapter in the diorama series


You can rescale any miniature to fit a size you would like and that is the beauty of 3D printing! On our side, there is nothing else we can do to make it easier to rescale as the Lychee files we provide you with let you rescale the models, thus rescaling is up to the end user. Our scale is 32mm, this has been our style of modelling since the beggining and we will be staying true to it, thank you for your support : )

Tom Drew

These look right out of Forgotten realms underdark! Drizzt and all!

Miss Demeanor

Nice! Althought a bit unfair to pick the same guy thats already won before :) great job all though!


If I were an amazing painter, I'd join all these Patreons and have about 10 new $500-800 printers and a ton of resin. 99% of us have zero chance to ever win these haha.


These look great, glad I joined this patron last month the models are really great\


These are miniatures for games like D&D, that is the point of them


Agree with comment that for same guy to win again seems unfair on all the other contributors, (even though 3 paint jobs are all awesome.) Do Rules need to be changed to cover this eventuality? or maybe Archvillian should only pick a top 5 with final positions being decided by a patrons vote