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reetings villainous patrons! March is here, and we welcome the first month of spring with a GINORMOUS release for you, with...

 🌗🐭🌗🐁🌗 The Affliction: Outbreak 🌗🐁🌗🐭🌗

  • The Wheel - diorama - roughly 120mm tall
  • The Ratwatch - 4 x 32mm
  • Slumrat Guerillas - 4 x 32mm
  • The Plague Chanters 4 x 32mm
  • The Shadow Molars 5 x 32mm
  • The Executioner - 1 x 60mm
  • The Rat King - 1 x 32mm
  • Gallows - 1 x 75mm
  • The Broodmother - 1 x 75mm
  • The Blind Bishop - 1 x 75mm
  • The Bile Rat - 1 x 100mm
  • The Affliction: Outbreak 5e module (for the Archvillain Tier)
  • An exclusive 50% discount code off our MyMiniFactory store!

*measurements above are ballpark figures as each model has its own dimensions

If you are already a Patron, you can find the link to your downloads HERE!

Pre-supported models

Our models come pre-supported! If you encounter any problems, please check out the dedicated  #presupported- models Discord channel or just post on our Facebook group. Atlas 3D Support Solutions are always there to help!

Sinister Vault

The Sinister Vault is our way of saying welcome!

Upon joining you get access to the Sinister Vault - our welcome pack!  Here is what is included:

  • A 10cm tall dragon
  • A fallen angel,
  • 7 adventurers
  • the Archvillain Statue and
  • some terrain to go with your miniatures!

MyMiniFactory Fulfillment

We fulfill the 3D files of each monthly release on MyMiniFactory on the month after! That means:

  • Files stay in your MMF library FOR GOOD!
  • You save tons of storage on your hard drive!
  • No rush to get the files at the end of every month

Archvillain Adventures for the 5th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons

By joining the Archvillain Tier apart from the minis you also get access to a PDF adventure for the 5th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons that features the minis we release every month!

Recurring Villain Rewards

After becoming our patron, if you stay with us for :

3 consecutive months (starting September 2020) you gain access to the Recurring Villain rewards, you earn the right to a free model we make for you!

6 consecutive months (starting September 2020) you gain access to another awesome reward we made just for you

Behold the 3-month loyalty reward, the Astral Drifter! Comes with a 5e statblock!

Behold the 6-month loyalty reward, Frenya, the Ice Queen!

Past releases

All of our models are also available in MyMiniFactory store. Feel free to browse our collection! Our Patrons receive a 50% discount code for all our past releases in order for you to get all the collections and also as a thank you for supporting us!

Painting contests - exciting prizes every month!

So take your place among us and join the rest of Villains and Archvillains!


Happy Printing!

The Archvillain Team

P.S 👋👋👋 NEED HELP ?  👋👋👋

Post a comment below if you think the community can assist you because your fellow patrons are happy to help!

Contact us directly by direct message, not in the comments. We love hearing from you, but we are unable to read all the comments since Patreon's notification system makes it inevitable to miss some of your comments.

By messaging us directly you help us spend more time on creating awesome content, for you to enjoy!




is it me or are there missing arms/legs on the bile rat?


Hello don't know if this is the right place to ask but has anyone had issues with the rat bishop's staff pre-supported? The body came out fine but I've printed the staff pre-supported twice and each time the bottom half didn't print right. https://imgur.com/5wy0Wm7 using sonic mini 4k with these settings: https://imgur.com/lKCXD7I


I’m thinking of entering the paint competition but don’t see how to enter?? Can anyone help? Thanks, Adam


How do I get my 3 month reward?


had the same issue. ended up tossing the unsupported version in lychee and using light autosupports, came out just fine


The broodmother needs some drain hole. I had to hand drill some after the print to get liquid resin stuck inside the model out


These are the best skavens models ever!!! please more of these amazing work, keep up this amazing work!!!


The more i dig into this (any) release the more a can't believe what we are getting for our money. Freaking amazing....... I can't say thank you enough.

Yann Taniou

Very very very good rat-thing !


Hello i wanted ask if is there a discord room ? Im probably blind but i cannot find it. Thank you =)


Hello Dan, The Discord invite is in the Download links post . Here is a screenshot to help you locate it : ibb.co/vxmJxgM


I really hope you would do better presupp job for the next releases... Since a few months I mostly have more fails than success, even on newer printers. Now I'm mostly avoiding your presupp files because I wasted too much resin. The things I don't understand, that's the fact sometimes you just use one really thin support instead of securing the parts... Dunno why ! You are mostly the only crew with whom I've trouble for printing the models ! I'm backing 4 to 8 Patreons/month, and even the not user friendly supports from Titan Forge are printing fine even with Vroom settings. Only AVG's design keep failing hard and sometimes on weird things... PS: yes I already talked with presupp teams on Discord and manage to do better settings ; but most of my settings are calibrated like fire and both tried on LCD and mono screen, but still failing. At least you could do like Titan Forge, and trying to do user friendly supports just to give it a shot or increasing tip penetration... I'm actually pressuporting your files with auto mode in PrusaSlicer, and their support are working great btw Keep up the great work guys and sorry for the mini rant haha

Shawn Michaud

The same people that support Archvillain models support Titan Forge (Atlas).

Miss Demeanor

Very strange.. Ive never had any issues even with bigger models. Supports always come off like butter


Same. I just printed the entire pre-supported Wheel subset, and didn't lose a single print, or even a single toe or claw or tail from the pieces. Running a Mono X at 1 second exposures, with only 2 base layers at 15 seconds, with ST Fast Resin, and everything is coming out bulletproof.

Phillip Marshall

Yeah IMO this is a user issue. My OG Anycubic has no problem with their supports. I have printed hundreds of their models at this point. I have had no failures related to their supports.


Same here. No issues with supports at all.

Jerry M Chaney II (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-05 22:55:56 There are a ton of very good SLT miniature artists. I think that your minis are *exceptional* And as my primary motivation for buying minis is to support my RPG, your D&D 5E stat blocks for your characters & villains are an enormous selling point! Thank you! :)
2021-03-28 13:36:11 There are a ton of very good SLT miniature artists. I think that your minis are *exceptional* And as my primary motivation for buying minis is to support my RPG, your D&D 5E stat blocks for your characters & villains are an enormous selling point! Thank you! :)

There are a ton of very good SLT miniature artists. I think that your minis are *exceptional* And as my primary motivation for buying minis is to support my RPG, your D&D 5E stat blocks for your characters & villains are an enormous selling point! Thank you! :)

Mike Stickler

I had trouble printing over the winter. in most cases most models (including those I supported myself) would print but Loot Studio and Archvillian would fail. 1. The lower temps was retarding the chemical process and I needed to bump up my exposure. 2. most of the fails were with elegoo abs-like grey... and some of the supports are so fine they were flexing and not in the right position to get the next layer. Moved printer inside. (made a big difference) Went from 8.5 to 10 sec exposure with the elegoo abs-like even though exposure test said this was slightly over exposed(helped) Added 3-5 medium supports to help anchor the mini in place After that I got good results with the rest of the elegoo resin. I replaced it with Siraya Tech Simple Smokey Black and have had perfect prints at default settings and with the supplied supports.