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💡💡💡--> PLEASE read ALL of this post to ensure a smoother experience as it contains answers to most of your questions. 

ATTENTION: Links are valid until the last day of January, grab your downloads on time!

Changelog (This is where updates are logged throughout the month) :

EDIT: 23/1/2020

  • Outworld crusher pose 1 torso normals issue fixed with presupported file
  • Outworld crusher pose 1 right wing replaced, presupported files as well
  • Added alt Essetria spear versions to account for bendiness with the more budget resins.

EDIT: 19/1/2020

  • Tamareth body 1 replaced for better fit with base - presupported files updated
  • Vulduk pose 2 body minor mesh discrepancy fixed - presupported files updated
  • Armaros presupported files updated
  • Essetria's spear presupported file updated

EDIT:  6/1/2020

  • Updated STLs for Essetria - merged tail pieces and replaced with PillarTopv2 and PillarBasev2 + corresponding presupported files
  • Added vanguard pose 4 presupported version for Sonic Mini and other smaller plates
  • Added Tamareth pose 4 presupported base

Initial Upload 2/1/2020

What you get - all presupported!

  • Armaros, Chaos Incarnate - 120mm
  • Essetria, Tamareth War General - 100mm
  • Tamareth - 4 poses - 75mm
  • Anzu, Vulduk Scion of Pazuzu - 75mm
  • Vulduk - 3 poses - 75mm
  • Decataur - 4 poses - 75mm
  • Kabeiroth - 2 poses - 75mm
  • Outworld Vanguard - 4 poses - 50mm
  • Outworld Crushers - 3 poses - 75mm
  • Muzulk - 4 poses - 50mm
  • The Tome of Demons Vol. 1 5e module (for the Archvillain Tier only)
  • An exclusive 50% discount code off our MyMiniFactory store!


1. Monthly Release download links


2. Sinister Vault download links


3. Archvillain Tier Links (13.99$) - Adventure for the 5th Ed. of Dungeons and Dragons 


💡💡💡-->For new patrons!

Dont forget your FREEBIE! - Free model with a 2 min survey!

💡💡💡-->Sinister Vault

Dont forget to download your welcome package! The Sinister Vault is our welcome gift to you so you also get access to:

  • A 10cm tall dragon
  • A fallen angel
  • 7 Heroes
  • the Archvillain Statue and
  • some terrain to go with your miniatures!

💡💡💡-->MyMiniFactory Fulfillment

We fulfill the 3D files of each monthly release on MyMiniFactory on the month after! That means:

  • Files stay in your MMF library FOR GOOD!
  • You save tons of storage on your hard drive!
  • No rush to get the files at every end of the month since they will be sent to you in the first 10 days of the next one!

💡💡💡--> Recurring Villain Rewards

After becoming our patron, if you stay with us for 3 consecutive months (starting September 2020) you gain access to the Recurring Villain rewards, you earn the right to a free model we make for you! 

Behold the 3 month loyalty reward, the Astral Drifter! Comes with a 5e statblock!

Behold the 6 month loyalty reward, Frenya, the Ice Queen!

💡💡💡--> Past Releases and 50% discount ONLY for patrons!

A meaty 50% discount code for all patrons! This discount is valid for every product from the store including the bundles!

Just type in "AVGTOME" upon checkout at our store !

P.S. Code is valid until the last day of the month!

💡💡💡--> Painting contests!

The Painting Contest for December has ended. We are now collecting your entries and we will make a post about it in the following week! Thank you for your participation and good luck to all participants!

This also means that the January contest has just started!

💡💡💡-->Join our community!

💡💡💡--> Other important information

Recuring Villain Rewards will be redeemed via MyMiniFactory (read more HERE). You can read more information on presupported files HERE

Happy printing,

The Archvillain Team

P.S:  👋👋👋 NEED HELP ? 👋👋👋

Post a comment below if you think the community can assist you. Your fellow patrons are happy to help!
Contact us directly by direct message, not in the comments. We love hearing from you, but we are unable to read all the comments since Patreon's notification system makes it inevitable to miss some of your comments.
By messaging us directly you help us spend more time on creating awesome content, for you to enjoy!




hey guys, new patron here. is there a preview to see what each model look like assembled before i download?


Hey Duane and welcome. You can find renders of the models in the unsupported folders in the release folder! For further assistance about anything just message us since Patreon doesnt track comments!

Victor Jalencas

wow. Airbridge is super fast. I downloaded the vault (6GB of it) in seconds. :O Why is people still using sync? price?


Hi everyone, I am a new patron and really love the models. I want to know what software I could use to add or change some of the pre supported models. I have never worked with .lys file type before. It looks like the models are hollow, but I can't find any air/drain holes in the Essetria model. Was this an oversight?


Is there any chance of getting a dropbox or myairbridge link for tome of demons minis? Google drive is making me download 1 file at a time and sync isnt working at all


I think that Tamareth pose03-body is not correct. It is the same as pose03-head. Please confirm.


Tamareth pose03 has been fixed. Checked the changelog in the download link post. Please message us directly if you have a question for us, as Patreon comments aren't tracked correctly and many times your inquiries get buried.


At the moment no, but we are working on implementing additional ways of downloading. For the time being try to download individual files instead of the whole release. Also, Please message us directly if you have a question for us, as Patreon comments aren't tracked correctly and often remain unread.


what are .lys files and how do i open them?


Aren't they Lychee slicer files


look at this post https://www.patreon.com/posts/41940709


Hello J .lys is a format used by the free slicer called Lychee. You can open them with that and if you don't like the program you can easily export them to .stl and use your favorite slicer. Give it a try and tell us what you think :)


I just noticed the updates for this month are dated Jan last year...lol!


AAH!!!! I need that Ice Queen model! If I stay for 6 months, I get it right?

Timothy Mcgaha

Oh man! i just missed the epic demons! this is my first patreon so I'm still trying to figure it out. but its got Vol. 1 on it so that means more at some point lol!


download link for MyMiniFactory bundle are broken https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-the-tome-of-demons-volume-i-bundle-152204