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Hello folks!

We are celebrating 1 year on Patreon!

A big thank you to all of you who support us and help us bring awesome models and stories to your table! All of us here at the Archvillain Games team are looking forward to the coming year and the awesome challenges lying ahead!

First of all, we want to start with the grand sale in spirit of the coming Black Friday!

We have a massive 70% off until the 23rd on our MMF store!

Please use code "1YEARAVG" to claim your discount!

In other news, we have presupported all of the models on the Sinister Vault!

Aaaand.. We have added 3 NEW models to it! Check em out below!

Khadan, Gith Swordmaster!

Alcuin the Witchunter!

Baldgrim the Blacksmith!

On other news the Recurring Villain Reward has been sent out to patrons who backed for September/October/November via MyMiniFactory email!

Also included a 5e legendary stat block to go with it!

If you do not have an email this is the trouble shooting guide:

First and foremost check your email for "redeem" emails from MyMiniFactory. If that does not get you anything then,

  • Check "Spam" on your email
  • Check "Promotions" folder on your email
  • Check your MyMiniFactory library under "My Library"-> "Objects shared with me"
  • Check that your Patreon email is the same as your MyMiniFactory email, that is the only way we can include you in the fulfillment process

If none of it works or if you got the email but don't see the files, please use this link to state your problem  https://www.myminifactory.com/contact_us/ , our partners at MyMiniFactory will be more then willing to help in a timely fashion.


Post a comment below if you think the community can assist you, because your fellow patrons are happy to help!
Contact us directly by direct message, not in the comments. We love hearing from you, but we are unable to read all the comments since Patreon has a messy notifications system and it is inevitable to miss some of your comments. 

By messaging us directly you help us spend more time on sculpting!  

Happy printing,

The Archvillain team




Yesss!! Get my 3 month reward model. 3 new minis in the sinister vault. Andddddd a nice discount on past figures!! Time to snatch up some of those Fire Giants!!!!!

Jonathan Woodbrey

Disappointed that I just bought a bundle last week with a module at only 50% off....but I'm not disappointed that I just bought 4 more month's worth of bundles at 70% off!

Nicholas Brennan

Wish you would pre support older models like those bad ass wraiths you offer . I very rarely buy models that aren’t pre supported, just to lazy to support them myself


Wow... just picked up $162 worth of all past bundles and 5E modules I had missed for less than $49!!!



Akihisa Futjimoto

Hi, thank you really mutch for the 70% off. I allready have put it to good use. Will Khadan the Gith Swordmaster be presuportet soon? By the way awesome Models!


Khadan the Gith Swordmaster is missing presupported files


The witch hunter is saying it's a pre supported file but the actual file is not supported


How do I use the code?


Oh my god...i'll run this afternoon (In France, i hope it'll good)


6 bundles, sun elves and...a divorce? =(


Well shoot... I just saw the discount mentioned in the MMF distro email, and saw in again on the MMF homepage, but when I tried to apply the discount to my cart it failed. Now I see why. X( Looks like I'm a day late. You might want to mention that the sale has ended to the MMF crew so they can pull it off the homepage.