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- - - - - - - - - - -UPDATE - presupported files have been updated - - - - - - - - 

Villains and Archvillains!

Part 1, Firbolg faces off against warfroged, begins to cast call lightning

Part 2, KABLAM

We teamed up with Greg Kourakos for his latest project on Kickstarter!

3D printable minis and some awesome pit fight arenas packed with their own game rules!

Greg says hi and wants to give you this awesome Firbolg model along with a cool lightning spell effect that we made together! 


(Please be patient - if Sync clogs up try downloading solo files)

Please visit the Kickstarter page to check minis, terrain and the cool game setup behind it!


P.S. This model will only be available via this post for download and will permanently expire after the end of the month - no further links will be issued. 

To our Merchants: this model can only be sold if you purchase the license on Greg Kourako's Kickstarter page.

Happy printing!

The Archvillain Team




Respectfully... this is great and I love it.


Thanks for the fix! Downloading now.


WORKING!!! Printing this today!!

Darrell Tallman

why is the lighting to big for the base? how much should it be scaled down by to fit


I know it's just a typo and I'm being a bit pedantic here... but can we get a "warfroged" mini sculpt in the future? :D

Bill Curran

I was able to download the initial link, but the updated link shows as deleted by the owner now.


Downloaded. Was flawless. :)


Amazing! Do you have a presupported file for the Firbolg's base? I'm new to resin and don't trust my supporting skills yet!


Nope, everything but the Firbolg base.


Every time I try to download, it says "Bad Gateway"


Tells me the link has been deleted by owner


I am clicking the link here that says "download here" and I still get the Bad Gateway error


The link takes me to Sync, but when I try to download any file, whether its all or just one, it says Bad Gateway 502 error


Not sure what the issue is. This was just reopened now and it works fine in 2 different browsers. Maybe switching browser will work for you or clearing your cache.