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Hello everyone!

Here is all the info you need to participate in the painting contest taking place every month:

What are the prizes?

  • Each month's prizes will be shown on the OPEN POST with an image in the description. Prizes are subject to change month to month.

How do you enter the contest?


  • Archvillain Games will decide the winners each month.
  • Archvillain Games will consider the project's originality, technique, and utilization of the Archvillain Games miniatures.
  • This contest is not judged by professional judges in the area of miniature painting, thus we will be picking out pieces that simply catch our eye : )



  • Each subscriber my only submit ONE model to each month's contest
  • Entries must be painted by the subscriber entering the contest
  • Entries must be physically painted models
  • Entries must be one of the models released the month during which you are entering and may be from the collections, Archvillain Society, or Archvillain Bestiary
  • No digital editing is allowed (i.e. filters, etc.)
  • Entry photographs must be at least 1024 x 1204 pixels at 72 DPI
  • Bases may be customized and the original base does not have to be included
  • Entries must be submitted by midnight (PST) on the last day of the month
  • Winners will be announced later the following month

Scaling & Kitbashing:

  • No kitbashing
  • Resin prints cannot be scaled up
  • FDM prints may be scaled up to 200% of their original size


  • Diorama entries are allowed as long as they only include ONE valid model
  • The character model must be the main subject of the entry


  • Archvillain Games does not manufacture or ship any of the contest prizes. They are shipped directly from the manufacturer. Any concerns or questions with the products must be sent to the manufacturer directly.
  • Archvillain Games will reach out to the winners via their subscribed platform or email to claim their prize. Failure to claim the prize within 30 days constitutes forfeiture of the prize.
  • By submitting a photo to the contest, the entrant is giving Archvillain Games and its affiliated sponsors the right to use the submitted images for marketing purposes without remuneration.
  • Archvillain Games retains the right to alter the contest rules at any time.
  • Archvillain Games retains the right to disqualify any entrant based on breaches of Community Guidelines and/or Terms of Service at any time.

Happy painting!

The Archvillain Games team



Joseph Stock

Hey I wasn't able to post my model to for the contest on the Facebook page because I'd been a member of it for less than 3 days. Is there anyway I can get my model submitted?

Vaughn Reynolds

May the odds be ever in your favor!


Does Mensiririon count?


Hey Zak, Mensirrion is not part of the Frostburn Horrors! Looking forward to your work on any of the models of the release!


A guy can hope. Time to get printing.

Peter Holgate

I suppose I had better brush off the old paint set then!

Scott Snyder

Is it only for a single mini? or can a diorama with multiple minis be a submission?

Cassidy Weiland

For the monthly hashtag for the print is it just the name of the model we chose?

Daniel Shear

does the colaberation model from this month work or does it have to be from the main release


Hey Daniel. Jormugandr is not a part of the Frostburn Horror release so not eligible for the contest!

Daniel Shear

Oh well didn't have a chance anyway with the competition this month is drawing in.

Vaughn allen

Does that mean goober yeti is not eligible either?

慶元 曾

Excuse me, if I post 2 entry "Bear Vanguard" but in different pose and scale. Is it follow the rule "-One entry per patron allowed.-Print size must be no more than 100%." ? Or i need to paint different character for each entry?

Normand Chartier-Prévost

Man I really want to participate but I'm short on resin and on skills :c


Hey Jamie! Yes you can have furniture in your dioramas as long as the base size doesn't exceed 100mm.


Why can't we scale up Resin prints ??? I like painting 75mm scale and not all model are supplied this way


Hey Sam. We need to compare skills on the same size of a model, scaling things up would hinder that. Everyone likes different things, its understandable that we cannot please everyone, however we need to set a standard for entries.


Hey - thanks for the reply... I understand :) I'm just sad I won't be able to participate this month, cause I had one of the mini from Circus Grotesque but scaled up.

Gzus iza Juggalo

This sounds like a lot of fun! The stuff you all put out this month is absolutely gorgeous. I'm not even close to a professional, but I certainly can't wait to enter! Could my son also enter a painted miniature? Although he is 13 he isn't on social media at all. If we both can't submit one, could I include a picture of his painted mini with my entry just so he can put it online with the rest of the pictures?

Gerald Glad

im printing the wheel, can I use that or is it too big?


😭 aww, I wanted to kitbash a hero from, say, the sinister vault being transformed into a plague rat, because there are not any heros in this months release.


Hello! For the dioramas does it have to be 100mm base aswell? Also, can we modify the models slightly (by hand after printing)?


Greetings. You are commenting on a post from March. For any assistance feel free to message us, comments are not tracked.

Adam Lakhani

Do you contact the winners personally and not publicly?


Hey Adam, We announce our winners publicly here with a Patreon Post and then they contact us here. If you are contacted by a suspicious site ( @archvillaingames ) please do not respond it is a scam!

Cody Fincher

when it says custom bases are allowed does that mean we can interchange any base to set the entered model on?

ArchvillainGames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-22 17:18:14 Yes, as long as the final product follows the rest of the rules & guidelines
2021-08-17 08:33:50 Yes, as long as the final product follows the rest of the rules & guidelines

Yes, as long as the final product follows the rest of the rules & guidelines


where to we see the winners of the contest


I've noticed people are submitting busts and props. Are these allowed?