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Hello! Here is what we updated on the Sync folder today:

  • Fixed scale of the bases of pose01 and pose 02 of the Royal Guards
  • Fixed inner mesh issue of scepter weapon of pose02 of the Sobesksen
  • Added presupported files: Anphotep all files, God King - Undead Body

You can keep track of these changes in the "Changelog" txt file in the Sync folder.

Cheers and happy printing!



Atlas Games and Design

Can we get a proper scaled God king anubus and undead. Right now they are gargantuan. Altho gargantuan things look cool they are useless for table top. I have to scale them down 50% to get them to large sized bases. That bring anubus to 10-11f tall in game. Your supports do not work when you have to scale more then 10%. Like I said having big cool things is nice but having things you can actually use on the table is better. Ty


We will not rescale or resupport any files in a different scale this month (frankly we rarely have the luxury to do it) simply because we are already working on the next release and well.. deadlines are getting closer :) There are a lot of you that ask for different scales and catering to all them is just unrealistic due to the monthly nature of our file delivery. The God King was meant to be a gargantuan table top unit to begin with. Cheers.