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Hi everyone!

For this month's module we teamed up with Neutral Party and they created this amazing  Astral Island (30x30) with a handful of floating islands in the Astral Plane! 

We got this map in 2 variations, a dark and lit one and they both look awesome!

Neutral Party is no stranger to the RPG fans out there, we know we have gamed a lot on their maps as they are stunning! 

You can check out Neutral's Party Patreon page where they make many different maps every month with different versions to cover all your gaming needs!

Now to what the Astral Court module for 5e includes!

This month we have new creatures, a new magical item and the story to make it all go together!

This Module is an adventure for 4-6 players of 13th level and can be used as a short adventure or as a quest in your main campaign.

-The players are commissioned by a mysterious female figure to neutralize a group of angelic commandos that disrupt the already fickle operation of Sanctorum. 

-After the combat with the angelic commandos and the subsequent investigation at their hidden hideout they will learn about their dire intentions for the town and will gain access to their real base of operations. 

-When they travel to that base they will have to fight powerful angelic guardians and they will discover important information about the main antagonist's past. They will also have a vision of a strange prisoner that reveals the antagonist's true scheme and begs them to release him from his bonds in exchange for the power to defeat the creature that imprisoned him. 

-At the climactic finale they will have the potential to transform themselves into higher forms so they can go toe to toe with a furious archangel. Depending on their actions they will both gain the favor and enmity of very powerful individuals

You also get the second installment of Archvillain Heroes featuring Kalineas the Beaten!

For this month not only did we add a stat sheet but also a new oath for the Paladin class as well as a new spell called "The Iron Maiden".

All of it accompanied by Kalinea's story!

P.S. We are changing how we deliver the modules every month, we will be doing a post on it with an individual link, cheers!



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