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Hello everyone! Welcome to April's social goals! 


  • On 25 shares we unlock the hooded version of Isabetta
  • On 50 shares we unlock the rapier version of Isabetta - both hooded and non - hooded
  • If we surpass this goal by a lot, we also have another little extra for you!

Those are 3 extra STLs for all of you guys so lets crush the goal together and make the armada grow!


☝️ ☝️ ☝️ ☝️ ☝️ ☝️ This is the URL you want to share!

How it works

- We have posted on Facebook on our main page.  

- You guys and gals can share it on your profiles or on groups that feature 3D printing topics. 

- Facebook automatically tracks the number of shares so we can all track the progress of the social goals together!

-Deadline for reaching the goals is April 26!


The Archvillain Team

P.S. You can check more on social goals here 



Harlyn Nipp

i shared to every 3d printing group i'm in, including my own fb page.


It is located into Baron's soldiers under the folder "Presupported".