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Hey guys and gals!

A few words about our presupported files.
We started offering them already from month 1 of this Patreon's page existence.

Since we saw a lot of controversy over what other Patreons are offering and how they are pricing it here are some clarifications.

Our presupported files will continue to be free, there will be no presupported tier, at least not now. 

The reason for this is that no one can guarrantee that these files work universally with all printers and resin brands.

Our presupported files are not produced by experts on the matter, its just some of you patrons giving back to the community.

The reason for this is that no one can be an expert in support placement when so many variables come in play.

Our presupported files are not perfect, they are not guaranteed to work with every machine or resin.

That being said, this is just an effort to save everyone some time - hopefully. If it does not work for you, you might need to consider doing it yourself, recalibrating your machine, etc.

However, these files have been tested in a couple of printers prior to us uploading them so if you feel like it give them a try.

The Archvillain Team,




I have not had any major issues printing anything yet. I have a couple small issues with some supports being too close to a leg or other piece and passing through the model slightly, but some sharp clippers before curing and sanding afterwards have been sufficient for my purposes.


love just being able to print and not worry about supports. I'm still fairly new to 3d printing and never printed anything so detailed when it comes to the work you guys do so having them pre-supported is just amazing. Honestly if they wasn't supported i might not of joined. lol i hate supports.