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Hey everyone!

We know a lot of you had trouble with receiving the email with the link for the loyalty reward for months January/February.

It all depends on the email adress you guys gave Patreon and whether you have a proxy system or a spam cleaning system behind it or not.

We apologize for the incovenience but right now there is nothing else we can do since Patreon does not offer filtrated messaging for subscribers, at least with the right criteria.

The best way to counter this at the moment is you guys sending us a message on Patreon so we can directly send the link to you until we figure out a way to do it better next month!



mine too


Agreed - I saw the original message soon after you sent it, so I was able to check my spam box - but I did overlook it at first even though it was at the top since it was showing as Konstantinos. I think if this is the same name next time, we have been forewarned, and it is easy enough problem to overcome. Just mention the senders name in the Patreon post next time . Thanks!