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 And so the story goes..

"Hundreds of years ago a long lost theocratic empire of demon-worshipers refined a ritual to summon and bind demons using seals that could last for centuries without eroding. They created numerous underground vaults called demonodes where they bound powerful demonic entities to use their power in the future. Unfortunately for them a war with a neighboring kingdom brought them to their knees and left many of the demons imprisoned in these demonodes to this day.

Several succubi that escaped from the abyss to the material plane, lead by a series of visions, discovered the arcane coordinates for the teleportation circle leading to one such demonodes. Inside they found Naamah the succubus queen of seduction trapped and waiting for the seal of the demonode to weaken enough for her to break and free. The cracks to the seal were enough to allow Naamah to lead visions to her kin but the seal needs several decades more to erode enough for Naamah to escape.

Together the newly formed cabal of seductresses formulated a plan to pave Naamah's release in the material plane and present her with a city or maybe even a kingdom worthy enough for her to rule once she is released. They recruited several beautiful girls willing to make warlock pacts with Naamah and opened up the House of Earthly Delights in the city of Toruscan meant to lure in powerful and influential men and enslave them to their will, gaining control of the most powerful noble families in the city."

Patrons of the Archvillain and Sinister Scholar Tier!

With this module releasing this week you will be getting: 

  • a 3-floor map of the House of delights, optimized for printing at home!
  • Stat blocks for the Mistresses of Despair, Queen Naamah and.. crazed patrons..
  • Also included - a new magic item - "Bloodrose Altar"
  • A neat story that ties all of the elements above together

Will your heroes survive a visit to the House of Earthly Delights?




Hmmm... that sounds like something my players would like, but I'd have to give up a precious slot in the $9 tier for it... might be worth it... I guess their temptations are even breaking the 4th wall.


It looks like the maps are digital? What size monitor are they optimized for?


Hey Patrick! They are not optimized for screen projection but for actual printing. However they are pretty high res (300 dpi) and i suppose you could use them on a screen too!