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Hello all Adventurers of the undead,

Once again, with your incredible support, we have surpassed the €925K milestone and unlocked the powerful Vesperis Grafts! From the dark depths of Vesperis’ necromancy, these grafts will add unique enhancements straight to your books and Grafts card decks, bringing more depth and strategy to your adventures.

But the journey doesn’t end here. With just 3 days left, we can achieve even greater heights and unlock more epic rewards. Let’s keep this momentum going and see what other amazing stretch goals we can reach together!

🌟 Next Exciting Stretch Goal: Erevan Miniature! 🌟

At the €950K milestone, the Erevan Miniature will be unlocked! The Narrator of our book, an Elven Thanatomancer and a neutrally-aligned scholar of the Undead, is finally here. Erevan’s Miniature will be included for free in all physical pledges of Core Box and upwards, and its STL file will be included for free in all tiers.

🗡️ Reflecting on Our Journey:

  • More than 5500 backers have joined us on this incredible adventure!

  • We’ve already unlocked 15 stretch goals, each adding more depth and excitement to our game.

⚠Memory Alert: FREE Necrotus Liquid Core D20 for Patrons

You have been with us for so long, you have supported us throughout those years, and we couldn't be more thankful for that! This is the time for us to repay you!

 you are a subscriber to our Patreon, we have one more surprise for you! If you have ever been a subscriber here on Patreon, and back the Kickstarter campaign of Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond, at any physical level pledge, you will also receive a FREE Necrotus Liquid Core D20!

Until next time, happy adventuring!

The Archvillain Games Team




Out of interest, will many more of the monthly fantasy releases have something of a tie in with the Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond Kickstarter? I ask as it would be nice to see a fuller range available to compliment the STLs included in that campaign.