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Hi all Adventurers of the undead,

Thanks to your incredible support, we have smashed through €850K and unlocked a total of 12 stretch goals in our Erevan’s Guide to Death and Beyond Kickstarter campaign! The Necramechanica is an enigmatic race of ancient souls that use long-forgotten technology to sustain their essence, blending the line between machine and undead. Check out the amazing content we’ve unlocked together:

12 Unlocked Stretch Goals:

  • GM Screen: Gravelords

  • Circular Token Frames (Digital)

  • Dice Box: Reaper's Reliquary

  • New Race: Valcarrion

  • Deluxe Cover for the Adventure Book

  • Boss Miniature: Saint Isdor

  • GM Screen: Outworld Heroes

  • Cleric Subclass: Curse Domain

  • Crypt Dweller Codex

  • Boss Encounter: Saint Isdor

  • Upgradable Ship: Dark Remembrance

  • New Race: Necramechanica

🚀 What’s Next?

We’re aiming for even more exciting goals as we continue to grow! Stay tuned for the next incredible stretch goals and keep supporting our campaign. Every pledge brings us closer to enhancing your gaming experience with even more breathtaking content.

⚠Memory Alert: FREE Necrotus Liquid Core D20 for Patrons

You have been with us for so long, you have supported us throughout those years, and we couldn't be more thankful for that! This is the time for us to repay you!

If you are a subscriber to our Patreon, we have one more surprise for you! If you have ever been a subscriber here on Patreon, and back the Kickstarter campaign of Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond, at any physical level pledge, you will also receive a FREE Necrotus Liquid Core D20!

Until next time, happy adventuring!

The Archvillain Games Team




How will we be able to clarify that we are patrons via Kickstarter/the pledge manager? This seems great