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Hi Adventurers of the undead,

We hope all of you are doing great!

Thank you all for your support, we managed to unlock yet another Stretch Goal, the Curse Domain will now be included in your books! More on the new Cleric subclass in a future update!

This is a short update to discuss about a very exciting upcoming Stretch Goal of Erevan's Guide and to share with you a Project we Love!

A New Game Mechanic- Sentient Undead Upgradable Ship Stretch Goal coming up at 800K euros!

We are super excited to share one of the most special Stretch Goals that we have designed for Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond!

Here comes....

Dark Remembrance


The vessel that you dared to brave, a burden far beyond the grave.

As cursed me, I’m cursing thee. Thy deeds shall dark-remembered be.

Here is a bit more information on the new game mechanic of Dark Remembrance by our writers:

The sentient undead pirate warship forges a special bond with one or more characters and unlocks supernatural capabilities based on their level. 

It is designed to have a five-fold role in your game:

  • Act as a base of operations for the characters, where they can indulge in interesting downtime activities and roleplaying encounters using the ship’s log feature.

  •  Introduce a new game mechanic for boosting the characters’ abilities at a cost via the Lifebound Augmentation and Lifebound Drain features.

  • Provide unique opportunities for exploration and ship combat through the ship’s supernatural movement and combat powers.

  • Upgrade the ship's abilities as you progress in levels and its sentience is further bound to your lifeforce.

  • Dark Remembrance will play a special role in the Undying Accord Adventure Book as it will be the vessel that the players will use to venture through the realms of the living and the dead alike - prepare to embark on a grim journey to the Drifting Havens!

(What are the Drifting Havens you ask? Well we are saving that for a next update..)

Dark Remembrance will be unlocked and included in the Erevan's Guide sourcebook and the Undying Accord Adventure Book once we reach 800K euros, one of the big upcoming milestones of our campaign! We will be sharing more details on the mechanics of the undead ship in a future update.

For now, help us unlock the Crypt Dweller Codex, as it will be included in all tiers for free once unlocked!

Project We Love: DELVE – More Than 5,000 Backers & Only 48 Hours Left!

TTRPG content creator Bob World Builder has allied with indie publisher Eventyr Games to create DELVE – How to Build and Survive Deadly Dungeons!


DELVE is a complete guide to dungeons with 200+ pages of dungeon-building advice and tools and plug-and-play dungeons – and more monsters, treasures, player options, and traps than you can shake a 10-foot pole at!

With its mix of innovative presentation, modern resources, and classic dungeon design, DELVE is perfect for anyone who likes dungeons that are fun, thrilling, and easy-to-run – and who doesn't? And for the players, dungeon-inspired options such as the Stoneborn player race and the Golemancer subclass offer unique and exciting ways to play.


DELVE is available for both 5E and Shadowdark RPG – and the campaign ends in just 48 hours, so hurry on over and make your pledge now!


Thank you all!

The Archvillain Games Team


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