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The void beckons. A vessel of its darkness I have become and with each strike, I embrace the chaos, my veins coursing with eldritch power. The void beckons.

-Draven Zylkarn - Netherblood Champion

The Netherblood champion a is one of the 12+ subclasses included in our upcoming book - Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond launching on Kickstarter on May 21st!

The Netherblood Champion is a fearsome warrior whose martial prowess is born from a perilous union with the void, sealed by sanguine rites of ancient and forbidden magic. Through a ritual using vampiric blood, these fighters draw upon the dark energies that roil between worlds, infusing their veins with eldritch power that both augments their physical abilities and grants them command over the terrifying forces of chaos. As guardians against the encroaching darkness or harbingers of doom, Netherblood Champions walk a solitary path drenched in shadow, their blood the key to untold might and the maddening whispers of the void. With each enemy felled, their tainted bloodlust grows, offering a glimpse into the endless darkness that awaits those who dare to wield such unfathomable power. Embracing the darkness within, these warriors let the void's insatiable hunger for life become their greatest weapon.

Wanna hear more about Erevans Guide to Death and Beyond? Make sure to follow the campaign HERE!




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