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Knowledge is the most sacred of conquests. It is not enough to devote one’s life to it, for once you step beyond the realms of mere mortals, that is where true understanding lies.

-from “Foreword on the “grimoire of unlife” by Urul, the Eternal Archivist

The Necrocosmic Scriptorium is one of the many lairs included in our upcoming book - Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond launching on Kickstarter on May 21st!

North of the Viserian border, deep within the Boreas Coalition’s mountain range, lies Stoa Mortis. What had once been the Amara Academy, the pinnacle of astrological research, fell when its leader chose to walk the path of necromancy in the pursuit of knowledge. The students that now populate its halls devote their unlife to their craft and perform dark rituals under the command of their unhallowed leader: Urul, the Eternal Archivist. Because of its peculiar location between the nations of Viseria and the Boreas Coalition, even though it fell to darkness, it was mostly ignored. What little territory it claimed was deemed to be an acceptable sacrifice to keep the volatile political climate stable, as long as it did not expand further. And, indeed, the Academy seemed to be content with pursuing its interests of research solely within its walls, though, lately, dark omens seem to bode of a darkness that shall come to the whole continent.

The most important building in the Academy is also the one most riddled with perils. This wonder of architecture and engineering is an ever-shifting labyrinth. It houses countless tomes, scrolls, notes, artifacts, and mirabilia from all over the continent, hoarded by the Eternal Archivist and the other scholars in their obsessive pursuit of knowledge. Hidden within the Labyrinthine Library lies its pulsating heart: the Necroccosmic Scriptorium, a hall of forbidden knowledge. It holds the most important and unholy texts of the academy, representing centuries of slowly accrued knowledge. Urul himself uses this room to research his own findings, hoping for further breakthroughs in his studies. It represents the ultimate prize for those who brave his Thanatology Trials.

Wanna hear more about Erevans Guide to Death and Beyond? Make sure to follow the campaign HERE!



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