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Hello Everyone!

As we can't stop time from flowing in this world we live in, another month has passed by us, and just like any other before it, we are compiling a small report with everything we posted in the past four weeks, as well as some other news related to the world of Elfheim.

If you ever wanted to know more about the evolution of a scene from sketch to lineart, we planned to preview the remaining needed artwork for our next release in this stage of production, we have already previewed three scenes and still have a couple more to show you!
Here’s what we have posted so far:
Discussion Pt.1, Discussion Pt.2 and Rise.

The world of Elfheim is filled with natural wonders, and further still, the Elves are particularly conscious about protecting and sustaining their luscious surroundings, however, the world has many sights to see, and not all of them are woods—here we have a peaceful plain parting the way between two great forests.

The previously mentioned background is the sight of one of our exciting previews, there you get to see how the background fits into a complete scene. We also shared a post showing another side of Nil, you get to take a good look at how Nil came to meet our protagonist (High Impact Elvish Contact).

For a small change of pace, our writer "hrb" spearheaded a post covering various development topics in Elfheim, those being his thought processes, the script rework for the final major revision and a look-back of our previous ideas for Elfheim, exploring how we steered away from our previous course and the challenges we had to face to settle into our new path.

In the heart of the Winter City lies the Palace of Ice, a dungeon from the game Corruption of Champions 2 in this dungeon you will find Gytha as the first boss, a character designed by our artist Sunna; the Elvish legions grow even beyond the reaches of Elfheim!

There is a place where lots and lots of Elf-lovers meet every single day, this luscious place is called Elf den, or for a better description, our Discord Server, the doors are always open, just remember to link your discord account to your Patreon to get fancy rewards, besides that, there is always a place to watch Elf drawings being brought to life, live! See you next time!


Ethan daniels

Just beat the winter city in coc2