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Just a short little story I worked on quickly while I tie up loose ends on some other projects. Don't plan on continuing it unless there is a want. Enjoy!

The Big Day



Almost as soon as he woke up that morning, Thomas felt off. He had a good idea as to why, but for the time being, he kept his suspicions to himself as he set about his day. 

He did so a little slower than usual (even as of late,) but without complaint. If anyone noticed something might be off, they didn't say so for which Thomas was grateful,  because he wanted to have at least a little time to himself before things likely “got underway.”

Thomas and his husband of nearly fourteen years, Michael, shared three children. Tommy was twelve, Cassie was nine, and Mikey was six. They'd considered their family to be complete, but then Thomas discovered that some six years after his pregnancy, he and Michael were expecting again. 

Seeing as the husbands always used protection and there'd never been an issue before, this came as a bit of a surprise. Thomas and Michael found themselves a strange combination of excited, in disbelief, and honestly, a little apprehensive… 

They weren't old per say, but they weren't exactly young anymore either. They already had three children, one of whom would be entering middle school in a few months. They most certainly had all the experience they needed so really, the question was whether or not they had the energy for one more?

Not that they had any plans of doing otherwise, but after a few days, it was Michael who was first to come to terms with their unexpected situation. 

“We can do one more,” he said to his husband as they lay together in bed, TV on in the background, but not being paid any attention as they waited for sleep to come. 

Sleep they were going to miss out on again once their fourth baby arrived…

“We can do one more,” Thomas echoed in the form of a yawn. “Whatever it is, we'll hardly have to buy anything for it, and…” he paused to yawn again. “The kids are old enough to help out, or just take care of themselves a little more,” he reasoned aloud.

“Exactly,” Michael agreed as he yawned back. “We got this.”

As it turned out, the guys had gotten a little ahead of themselves because they weren't having one more… No, this time around, Thomas was pregnant with twins, meaning their family of five was going to become a family of seven, rather than six

Once they'd recovered as best they could following this second shock, Thomas and Michael decided the time had come to break the news to the kids.

In classic, pre-teen fashion, Tommy was mortified. He was old enough to know what sex was and therefore quickly put two and two together, somewhat belatedly realizing that his fathers (“old” as he considered them to be) were still having it. 

In classic, middle child fashion, Cassie hardly reacted. When asked if she had anything to say or if she had any questions, she responded with a simple, straight to the point, “no.”

In classic, youngest child fashion, as soon as Mikey found out he was going to lose his crown as the “baby,” he cried. He may've only been six years old, but already, he knew things for him and the rest of his family were going to be different moving forward. 

Once he got over his morning sickness, which thankfully, wasn't too bad this time, initially, Thomas’ fourth pregnancy progressed rather easily. He'd been worried about the challenges he was going to face while also having to deal with and manageTommy, Cassie and Mikey's needs, but that wasn't too bad either. At six years old, Mikey was twice as old as Cassie had been when he'd been pregnant with him, so he for one could do things like get himself into and out of the car. 

But sooner than Thomas would've liked, things started to take a turn… All three of the kids had been big babies, ranging between 10-12 lbs. He'd been hoping that since he was having twins, they'd be smaller, but no. According to his doctor, even though there were two of them, the fourth and fifth babies Thomas was to birth, were still expected to be similarly sized to their three older siblings. 

Because they were going to be similarly sized and because there were twice as many as he'd ever carried at the same time, pretty quickly, Thomas started growing twice as big. Every time Tommy saw his carrying father's rapidly expanding belly and growing chest, he visibly cringed and rolled his eyes. He begged and pleaded to have Michael bring him places or accompany him to events, not wanting his precious friends see “how fat” his doubly pregnant dad was getting. 

As the months progressed, Cassie remained rather ambivalent. She kind of remembered Thomas being pregnant with Mikey, so his condition didn't really affect her. She was also young enough to not be socially impacted by it, making her Michael and Thomas’ de facto, “most accepting” child. 

While he didn't get any happier about losing his “baby” crown, Mikey was the most excited. Between having never “personally” experienced a pregnancy and being six years old, he always had a question (or three) as he watched his daddy grow and grow. 

And grow, Thomas. Did. Naturally, most of his expansion took place in and around his midsection, but other parts of his body joined in sooner and (much) more so than they had in the past. Since this was his fourth pregnancy, he was having twins and closing in on turning thirty-nine, this was to be expected. That being said, it wasn't necessarily appreciated, at least not by the man it was all happening to.

Michael, on the other hand, loved being able to see and feel all the changes his husband was once again undergoing. He should've, but he'd never told Thomas that he always found him particularly appealing when he was with child,  so now that he was with two, he very much did. 

Thomas did his best to keep active throughout the pregnancy. This wasn't much of a challenge thanks to all of Tommy, Cassie and Mikey's schooling and various other activities. 

Whenever he could, per their eldest's request, Michael was the one to cart Tommy around to all his practices and extracurriculars, which left Thomas to mostly tend to just Cassie and Mikey's needs. When not doing so, he went to the gym as often as he could, and signed up for various prenatal classes to try and keep himself “in shape.”

Despite his best efforts and almost always being on the go in one form or another, by the time he was six months along, Thomas was already bigger than he'd ever been, including right before he went into labor with Cassie, who'd been his biggest baby. Along with his biggest belly came a bigger chest as well… 

Thomas had breastfed everyone and planned on trying to do so with the twins as well. Accordingly, this time around, his chest seemed to go into overdrive, starting to produce enough milk for two, sure to be hungry infants. 

Following three pregnancies and years of feeding, not only did they grow bigger, but they lost even more definition. Between pregnancies, when he wasn't feeding, Thomas’ chest slimmed back down, but he never got back the firm and broad pecs he'd had before Tommy. Now, instead of pecs, Thomas had big, bulging breasts again, that while full, sagged more than ever now, his skin and muscle having lost tone over the years. 

He also didn't like these increasingly cumbersome, jiggly and heavy changes, but Michael sure did. Same as with his bigger than ever belly, Thomas’ husband loved his bigger than ever breasts, which like his midsection, also started to develop stretch marks as they bloated and filled. 

Since Michael had never fully come clean in regards to just how much he enjoyed Thomas while he was pregnant, a lot of times, mostly while they were being intimate, Thomas couldn't understand how or why his husband was still attracted to him? He appreciated how attentive Michael was with him, but he still couldn't help but feel bad…

Because other than looking a little older, his hair having started to gray and recede just slightly, and having grown a bit of a belly himself, Michael looked remarkably similar to how he had back on their wedding day. Thomas’ face looked great for someone his age… Thanks to four pregnancies keeping it “nice and plump,” it remained almost entirely free of wrinkles, so at least he had that because just about everywhere else, his body now looked entirely different…

Over the years and the pregnancies, his hips had widened, his ass had grown, and of course, his belly had bloated and shrunk, remaining a little bigger and less toned than it had the time before. As much as he loved his kids, sometimes, Thomas couldn't help but feel like his body had been ruined in the process of creating them. As his fourth (and most likely, final) pregnancy drew to an end, he cringed to think what it was going to look like after. 

Michael never liked thinking about “after” either, but not because he wasn't attracted to his husband when he wasn't pregnant… The reason he didn't like doing so was because of how much he loved the way Thomas looked while he was pregnant! Had he shared his admiration, Thomas would've felt a lot better about himself, so Michael had definitely dropped the ball in that regard. 

As lunchtime approached, Thomas was feeling particularly ravenous seeing as he hadn't had breakfast. He lumbered into the kitchen to start preparing his midday meal, but as he was gathering everything he needed to make himself a few sandwiches, his stomach started to rumble… 

In short order, it felt like something he'd eaten wasn't agreeing with him, but he hadn't eaten anything since dinner the night before. That and he'd swallowed one of Michael's plentiful, fertile loads, neither of which had caused him any issues, so he knew it wasn't that. His suspicions further confirmed, Thomas tottered out of the kitchen headed for the powder room down the hall, cradling as much as he could of his grumbling, drum tight middle in his hands. 

Even though he'd had a pretty good idea ever since waking up that today was going to be the day he gave birth his fourth and fifth times, Thomas had still done everything he would've done anyway… He'd dropped Cassie and Mikey off at school, taken a prenatal water aerobics class (at which, he was the biggest attendee,) and then gone grocery shopping, during which he'd garnered a lot of fretful stares from other shoppers. 

In short, all that meant that even though he knew he really should've been, Thomas hadn't been paying much attention to himself… That said, he wasn't very surprised to find that once he made it into the powder room and pulled his pants down, his testicles were very, very swollen.

As soon as they'd been freed from his underwear and shorts, the now lemon-sized orbs dropped against the front of his thighs with an audible plop. Thomas’ balls were big to begin with, but for some reason, always got much bigger right before he went into labor. In the past, he'd noticed the change earlier, but again, today had been a busy day. He was, after all, already a father of three this time around…

As he very carefully eased himself down onto the toilet, Thomas reached under and around his twin-filled belly to make sure he didn't inadvertently sit on either of his enlarged testes. As he did, his stomach felt like it was about to blow, but since he'd already used the bathroom earlier that morning and hadn't had anything since,he knew it was empty. He also therefore knew that what was about to come out of him, wasn't going to be from his stomach

The first thing to exit Thomas as he pushed actually somewhat was… Air. A lot of it… For the next several seconds, the powder room echoed with a loud, staccato expulsion of gas, which thankfully, helped mitigate some of the (additional) pressure he was feeling. 

Once he'd passed all the gas he had (for the moment,) the twin-filled father momentarily stopped pushing. Even when he did, his stomach continued to grumble, so he took in a breath and pushed again. As soon as he did, he felt something move within him, and it wasn't the twins…

A moment later, following a grunt, Thomas heard a plop as something landed in the water. A few seconds later, his stomach finally stopped protesting, even though it really hadn't contributed anything other than gas and noise to the mix. Thomas remained on the toilet a little longer, but nothing else happened so he carefully stood, slowly turned, looked into the bowl and saw what he'd been expecting: his mucus plug. 

He knew for sure now that the twins were coming today. 

Once he'd finished up in the powder room, Thomas returned to the kitchen and grabbed his phone. The first call he made was to his sister-in-law, Cynthia, who he asked to pick up the kids from school and then watch. She was more than happy to do so. She and her husband, Todd, had three similarly aged children, so the cousins could all play and hang out together while two more were brought into the world. 

Next, Thomas called Michael. As soon as he told his husband what was going on, he chuckled. 

I knew it!” Michael said. “Why didn't you say anything this morning?

 “Why didn't you?” Thomas countered. 

You're the expert!” Michael chuckled some more. “Let me finish up here real quick then I'll be home. Half an hour tops. You gonna make it?

Yes, I'll make it,” his husband replied with a roll of his eyes he couldn't see, but was still able to recognize through the phone. “I haven't had any contractions yet.”

“Good. ‘Cause once you start having them…”

“Things tend to go quickly, I know,” Thomas finished in a sigh. “Let's hope that's still the case when there are two!

“Something tells me it still will be,” Michael replied before ending the call so he could finish up at work and head home.

Knowing he'd for sure be in labor soon enough, Thomas went back to making his lunch. With two babies to push out this time around, quick as things would hopefully go, he was really going to need all the strength and energy he could get. 

Thomas made three turkey sandwiches, one for Michael and two for himself. He'd just finished eating his second when he heard the garage door open and then a moment later, Michael's SUV pulling in. 

Good!” He said as he hurried into the kitchen. “You're still pregnant!

 Thomas rolled his eyes. “Of course, I'm still pregnant!” 

I know,” Michael winked as he approached his seated husband and leaned in for a kiss. “How's it going?” He asked as he pulled back. “How do you feel?”

 “Fine,” Thomas shrugged. 


 “Should I be?” He frowned. “I've only done this three times!

 “But you're gonna have to do it twice in a row,” Michael reminded. 

I'm well aware,” Thomas rolled his eyes again. “Which makes me a little anxious if anything.”

 “You'll be fine.”

 “I know. I made you lunch.”

 “Aww, thanks, babe!” He grinned as he took his seat and immediately reached for his sandwich. 

Thomas groaned. “Aren't you gonna wash your hands?

“They're clean enough,” Michael replied through the big bite he'd already taken. “So…

Yes, dear?

 “You only went three days overdue this time.”

 “Thank God!” Thomas exhaled. “Though with twins, does that count as six?

 “Maybe,” Michael shrugged his broad shoulders as he took another bite. “So Cynthia's gonna pick everyone up from school?” 

His husband nodded as he rubbed his tightly packed belly. “Then bring them here to grab whatever they need, then over to her place. She was so excited when I talked to her, it was like she was the one about to have another baby!”

“Two in our case…”

Again, I'm well aware,” Thomas rolled his eyes and sighed as he looked down at himself and hated how small his hands looked as they traversed his huge and heavy orb. “But it's good there's two of them.”

Michael grunted as he popped the rest of his sandwich in his mouth. “That's the first time I've heard you say that!” He grunted again as he chewed some. “Why the last minute change of heart?

“Not a change of heart,” Thomas shook his head. “It's still gonna be a big adjustment and a lot of work…” he sighed again. 

Which we'll be able to handle with time…

“I know,” he nodded. “Anyway… What I meant by it's good there's two of them, is that at least they'll have each other to play with since Cynthia and Todd aren't having any more kids.”

Not ‘cause they haven't been trying,” Michael sighed and shook his head, feeling bad for his sister and brother-in-law. 

“Cynthia knows she can babysit for us whenever she wants, right?” Thomas chuckled, trying to lighten the mod. 

“Yes, I'm sure she does, but I'm also sure it's not exactly the same,” Michael said as he stood and grabbed his plate, then Thomas’ and took them over to the dishwasher. 

“Yeah, probably not…”

“Have you called Dr. Morgan's office to tell them you lost your plug?” 

“Not yet,” Thomas replied. 

Want me to?” 

“Please,” he nodded as with a grunt, he pushed back from the table, turned to the left a little and then held his hands out, indicating he wanted/needed help up. “I'm gonna go up and take a shower. I always feel a little…” he paused as Michael helped him up. “Gross, after I…” he again to take in some more air. “Lose my plug.”

“I'll call,” Michael said as he took his hands back. “Then can I join you?” He asked with a wag of his brows. 

Michael!” Thomas groaned. 

What?” His husband “innocently” shrugged. “We shower together all the time!” He nodded. “As a soon-to-be family of seven, it's important we do all we can to save water!” He smirked. 

Uh huh…

That, and uh…” Michael started, then trailed off. 

And..?” Thomas raised his brows. 

Michael sighed and shook his head. “This isn't easy…

What isn't easy?” Thomas frowned as he moved his hands to his hips, thrusting his still remarkably high and round belly and breasts (even) further out in front of him, the hem of his shirt riding up several inches in the process. 

Michael sighed again. “I probably should've told you before…” 

Should've told me what?

 “So, I, uh… I…

Jesus, Michael!” Thomas suddenly shouted. “Spit it out, already!

OK! OK!” Michael huffed, his hands shooting up in front of him. “I like it when you're pregnant!” 

His husband's frown grew deeper. “You like it when I'm pregnant?

 He nodded. “Like really, really like it…” he nodded some more. “Not that I don't like you when you're not pregnant!” He clarified as he switched to shaking his head. “But I think you look and feel fucking amazing when you're carrying my kids.”

 “Oh…” Thomas said. 

Oh?! That's all?!

 He scoffed. “What do you want me to say, Michael?! You…

I know I never told you!” Michael shouted this time. “Like I said, I should have, but…

“So that's why you're still so attentive, no matter how big I am…” Thomas belatedly realized. 


Wow…” he shook his head. 

Is that a good ‘wow?’

 “It's not a bad one!” He continued to shake. “So why is this the first I'm hearing of this?

Oh, I dunno?!” Michael huffed. “Maybe ‘cause it's embarrassing?!

 “It's embarrassing to still be attracted to your husband?!” 

No!” He groaned. “That's not what I mean!” He shook his head again. “It's embarrassing to be MOST attracted to your husband while he's pregnant!

Says who?” Thomas asked, going back to frowning as he looked from his husband, back down beyond his breasts, to his belly. 

Me?! Society?! I dunno?!” 

Michael…” he laughed as he shook his head. 


 “I…” he paused. “Do you…” he started to ask but then stopped. 

Do I what?” Michael pressed as he raised his embarrassed gaze from the floor. 

Thomas laughed again as he met and silently held it for the next few seconds before continuing. “Do you know how much better I would've felt about myself had you told me this sooner?”

While he kept their eyes locked, Michael didn't immediately respond. He opened his mouth a few times, but nothing came out till Thomas nodded at him encouragingly. 

“All this time…” he started. “All these years… I thought I'd been showing you?”

“You were,” Thomas nodded. “I just didn't understand why!” He emphasized as he shook his head. “I always appreciated it, but I didn't get it?”

Michael sighed as he finally broke their eye contact. “I guess I should've been more clear.”

 “Yes, you should've!

 “It's not like it would've changed much…

Sure it would have! It would've made me feel better!” Thomas nodded emphatically. “A lot better, about myself, and about us!

 “About us?” Michael was the one to frown this time. “What's wrong with us?

“Nothing, but I'm kind of only realizing that now!

 “What does that mean?” He too frowned harder. 

Thomas exhaled. “All this time, while you stayed pretty much looking the same as you always have, I went and changed a lot! A hell of a lot!” He huffed. “And I just thought you were keeping your vows to love and respect me!

 “Because I was…

Of course,” he nodded. “But you were also doing more, and I didn't realize that!


So, yeah!” Thomas laughed as he continued to nod. “You should've been more clear!

 Michael sighed as he lowered his gaze to the floor again. “I was embarrassed,” he finally admitted. 

You were embarrassed?! How do you think I felt blowing up again and again and again with your babies?!

“I think I get it now.”

 “It's about time!

“No, what it is is too late,” Michael shook his head. 

Who says?” Thomas asked again. 

Me? Science? Life? You're about to give birth! You're…

Still pregnant, for now. I haven't even had a single contraction yet.

But you're gonna have them soon!” Michael huffed. 

Yes, but before I do, why don't you call Dr. Morgan's office like you said you would, and then meet me upstairs so we can take that shower?” Thomas suggested. 

Michael raised his gaze and widened his eyes. “You still want to?

 “Yes,” Thomas nodded. “It's gonna be a tight fit, but while we're in there, I want you to really show me how much you love and appreciate me. Think you can do that?” He asked with a wink. 

Michael nodded and grinned as he pulled out his phone. “Hell yes!

 “Something told me you'd be able to…” Thomas chuckled as he started waddling out of the kitchen. He hadn't made it very far when his husband came and stood in front of him, bringing him to a rather ponderous stop. 

“I love you, Thomas,” Michael said as he leaned in over his belly for a kiss. “Pregnant or not, I love you so much!

“I love you too, Michael,” his husband smiled back as they briefly linked hands. “Now you gonna make that call, or not?

Michael playfully scoffed. “Don't worry ‘bout me! Worry ‘bout gettin’ yourself up those stairs and into that shower!” He said as he reached behind and gave Thomas’ big ass a not so gentle slap before getting out of his way. 

Thomas chuckled as he waddled on. He was very much not looking forward to his fourth and fifth labor and delivery experiences, but now, he was very much looking forward to having a little fun up in the shower with his husband beforehand. 

The only thing he wished was he didn't have to deal with all those stairs first…


Bryce Giordano

Love these cute little short stories too!