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I was inspired to create a piece I can't post on Patreon because of its rules. So I'm posting this to tell you about it. It's a little page about Mai and Minh and their taboo relationship.

Up until now, Substar has been just a mirror/backup to what is up here. Now it has one item that Patreon can't have. In the future, it may accumulate more stand-alone pieces like that.

I've heard people say if I do this, they would switch. That's fine. Patreon has a somewhat better interface in my opinion, and better notifications and such, and so it's easier to use. But Substar's not bad. If you're interested in switching, or just going over to pledge there for the $1 tier so you can see anything I can't post here, you can find my page here: 


I have no plans do to any comic work in these themes, so if you want to keep your Patreon pledge, and just add a Substar pledge, you should be able to get anything you're missing for the $1 Substar tier. If you switch all together to the $6 Substar tier, you won't miss anything from Patreon. There is no steering committee tier on Substar for now, because there aren't enough people there, yet.

Whatever you choose to do, thank you for your support!




this is one of the annoying things about SS and Patreon.


I am so glad I went to Substar to see Mai & Minh - I'd follow them anywhere!


I said that, too. Thanks for the heads up! I agree that Patreon is a bit nicer to use, but if it means censoring the good stuff otherwise, I'm prepared to deal with a rougher experience!


I've switched a couple of patrons to SS myself for various reasons by the creators so might do the same. Just sucks they don't really have an app to use as far as I've seen.


Do Subscribestar send new posts to your e-mail as well? I've kinda come to depend on that with Patreon, hardly ever actually visit the site.


I can't use subscriber star I try to use it for years every time I try to subscribe to someone my card gets declined it's a glitch in their system and I have no idea how to rectify it


I would like, but unfortunately just Credit Card. Maybe some day it will be possible to pay with PayPal.


I just had the same problem, you might want to email support, thankfully it ended working for me after they replied.

Roman Snow

Will these strips be included in the monthly updates down the line, or does Patreon have strict restrictions about that too.

Allan Bell

Is all content posted on Patreon also posted on subscribestar?


It is. Patreon's a more developed platform though. But just raw content it's all the same.