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Did some digital sketch practice after work, seeing how things clean up and save just drawing straight into the computer. Please let me know what you think of this in comparison to the pencil work, if you notice any difference at all, and let me know what you think about the size for saving. I'm trying to anticipate all the ultra-HD jazz coming down the line, and I've found the digital style works better when saved at larger sizes.




Wait, how much of your work is started off with pencil and just scanned in?


Even before I read the description, I DID think there was something different about this particular sketch, but I can't really say what.


Looks good.

Alexey Belovolsky

Can't see any difference. Size is OK. Big pic is the best pic. And dialogue is funny.)))

Glenn Sellers

Waitaminute! Is the angel telling her to do something "obscene", too? What is the world coming to? LOL.

Glenn Sellers

To tell the truth, Jay, I can't tell the difference between your pencil work and this digital. But, my eyes aren't what they used to be. LOL.

Growlph Ibex

+1 million points for the word bubbles


I thought Brooke was mostly in to girls (based on the Brooke in College stuff),may be I am mistaken...


For the most part, I'd say there is very little to no difference at all. I -think- the line work and shading seems a little softer, but that may simply be my imagination; I'm not sure. As for the image size, the resolution is as good as any of your previous images, I'd say. Though I don't really delve into the massive resolution screens so my opinion may not be an adequate gauge for the more... extreme resolution sizes. And as far as the number of kb/mb... I really have no clue. Truth be told, if it is a lovely pic, I wouldn't much care of it was 20kb or 20Gb.


Sometimes the good ones are more naughty than the obviously naughty ones. ;)


I can hardly see a difference. Larger file size is always nice so I really appreaciate the digital drawing. And I love the dialoge on this one! :3


If you hadn't said anything I don't think anyone would have noticed any differences.


Brooke became bi curious when she entered college. Before that she had an affair with one of her teachers and used a classmate as an ass-slave! :3 I wonder if Francis still has wet dreams from it!?🤔


Looks about the same and larger is better.

Aaron Digulla

The quality of the sketch is a bit hard to tell (the outline is fuzzier than the cleaned images). The font looks sharp, though.


The bump up in resolution is great. I've always liked the subtle grainy pencil texture that sneaks in on the lines in your work but the all-digital version is so smooth and 'clean'. Hard to choose between the two.