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2022 is almost done and as is tradition, I'm going to be posting archives for all the images created in the year, divided into pics and sketches. I classified a lot more work as "finished work" in 2022, than 2021, resulting in more finished work and far fewer things that count as sketches.

Maybe some day I'll name the images by some dating or numbering scheme, so I can have images in order by when they were done instead of by alphabetical. Unsure if that's a big deal or not. Oh well.

If you want to make sure you're collections are up to date from 2022, here you go. Thank you for your support!




Nice to meet you. I found you today and came here captivated. where are the sketches and pics compiled before 2017?


If you search "archive" and go back far enough you'll probably find what you're looking for.


Sorry, those archives seem to have broken links


Sorry, I checked all the archived articles and the 2007-2017 sketches and image attachments apparently do not exist. Only articles with links posted.

Wildboy5699 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 13:22:28 Thank you for the amazing sketches and comics. I wish I supported you sooner. But I’m glad I can help out. Plus. I’m really grateful that you always reply to me and answer any question I have. Also, you’re probably the most laid back artist I have ever supported. I’ll be here supporting you in 2023 as well. Thanks again, Jay! Here’s to a good 2023.
2022-12-30 22:40:50 Thank you for the amazing sketches and comics. I wish I supported you sooner. But I’m glad I can help out. Plus. I’m really grateful that you always reply to me and answer any question I have. Also, you’re probably the most laid back artist I have ever supported. I’ll be here supporting you in 2023 as well. Thanks again, Jay! Here’s to a good 2023.

Thank you for the amazing sketches and comics. I wish I supported you sooner. But I’m glad I can help out. Plus. I’m really grateful that you always reply to me and answer any question I have. Also, you’re probably the most laid back artist I have ever supported. I’ll be here supporting you in 2023 as well. Thanks again, Jay! Here’s to a good 2023.

Facundo Daniel

Thank you very much for another excellent year, Jay. I wish you a great New Year 2023! And everyone too See you all in January😉

Wildboy5699 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 13:22:28 Well… the last artist I supported on here was too much on here. He was one of those people that if you disagree with anything. He’ll say that you’re wrong and basically a idiot before calling you out on Twitter and blocking you. Too much for me. But that’s just what I think. :3
2022-12-30 22:45:01 Well… the last artist I supported on here was too much on here. He was one of those people that if you disagree with anything. He’ll say that you’re wrong and basically a idiot before calling you out on Twitter and blocking you. Too much for me. But that’s just what I think. :3

Well… the last artist I supported on here was too much on here. He was one of those people that if you disagree with anything. He’ll say that you’re wrong and basically a idiot before calling you out on Twitter and blocking you. Too much for me. But that’s just what I think. :3


Loved the surfing piece nice! Hope to see more of your amazing work in 2023, been a huge fan back from around in the original Life comic days and glad I stuck around! Always impressed but what you put out!!! 😁

Wildboy5699 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 13:22:28 No problem :3
2022-12-30 23:12:53 No problem :3

No problem :3


Thank you for another year of wonderful illustrations! BTW, this archive does not include illustrations of ASK?

Gray Muzzle

Sorta defeats the intent of a rash guard, but I think it's a good trade off nevertheless.......

Tam Barlas

Thanks for the archive. When I save your images, I prefix the name with the date "YYMMDD"


If the files have the right creation date in their metadata, then people can just sort them by date instead of name.

Johnny Nielsen

Happy new year, stay safe and remember to relax. Not just JN, also every1 else.


Do you have files from past years pictures?


Click the "archive" tag on this entry and scroll down and you'll find them.