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It's coming along.

I've started doing more research into period armor and weapons after I started this picture, and I realize everything I've depicted here (except for possibly the guns) are due for a redesign. I'll probably nail down some far more realistic armor, something other than banded leather, which I'm realizing makes no sense. I may also gravitate toward more realistic cutlery in future designs. She'll probably end up with some kind of form fitting gambeson in the future, with maybe some kind of plate held together by leather on the outside, in order to keep a brown natural color scheme for scouting duties. And also some kind of headgear.




This looks absolutely fantastic. I can't wait to see the finished product and I'm also excited to see what the next Cottonwine story might be. ^.^


Interesting about the research and re-doing of the work. Do you often do your art work modularly so you can easily redesign when you need to? Also it'd be interesting to hear about your research process; I'm no artist, so I don't know all that goes into making good works; Maybe other readers would be interested too?

Alexey Belovolsky

There is no limit to perfection. This is one of the best works I ever saw.


I'm not really sure that the armor really needs redesign. The workshop's created for Cottonwine has only a passing resemblance to our world and things like armor design might be quite different. I would not be entirely superised her armor is a form of mostly laqured leather. Other cultures have used that sort of armor for many generations. But it is your universe, and thus, your choice.


I had to say that, in my opinion, the armor is a bit too bulky for the seemingly time period.