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Every now and then I decide I hate myself and want to do a large hyper detailed image like this. This is a pic of Cyreth from the Cottonwine world, which I've been doing little bits of universe expansion on in my spare time, lately. Cyreth is the ranger responsible for the Cottonwine Field Notes.

Nooooo clue when I'll get to more of this, or what kind of timeframe that'll take place in. But it's there. I thought I'd take a photograph and share.



Glenn Sellers

Wow! If you don't finish this one within a few days of starting it, I do hope you have some notes. I mean, if it's a few days or a week or two later before you return, you may forget what's going to be in the drawing. I know I would. LOL.


Ahh so she's the author of the Field Notes, what a mysterious elf. I am soo looking forward to the beginning of the Bestiary series she'll be apart of

Viro Veteruscy

Nice work so far, keep it up :3

Shadow Drake

Oh dam. You are a glutton for punishment aren't ya >.<. another="" darn="" does="" look="" note="" on="" sweet.="" that="">


Beastiary? Any relation to the ASSM published story of the same name?


Looking forward to seeing this finished, plus who doesn't love a little extra personal torture project every once and a while?