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Hello, steering committee. November is almost upon us and I require your guidance in what to prioritize outside of the main adult comic work.

There's a great temptation to continue prioritizing high detailed individual pictures that come to mind, along with some more Ask answers that I still have to do. This would also include a few more high detailed redraws of older work, which has been fun to do so far. The other option is to go ahead and start part 4 of Brooke Goes To College, which if I do, will eat up time that would go into finished side pictures. I was planning to push part 4 to December, or even the beginning of 2023, but I definitely have enough character and story down to begin next month if I wanted.

So, it boils down to:

BGTC Part 4 - Part 4 of Brooke's ongoing adventures in sexual weirdness begins in November with her going back to school and meeting all new insane and inappropriate people, as well as catching up with some of the old ones. If this one wins, my goal will be to do at least 3 pages (maybe more) in November and get the story rolling.

More Detailed Pics and Sketches - More focus on detailed finished pictures, sketches, Ask answers, and redraws for the month of November, with BGTC4 beginning in December.

If the poll results are pretty even, I'll take it as a call for a balanced approach. But I don't want that as a polling option, because I want you to vote on which one you really want to see the most if you had to choose. 

Thank you all so much!



Honestly, anything involving that Nerd dude and Lynn, I'm down for. I love those two, lol


Maybe as a compromise, color a particularly interesting, older BGTC page as a part of the redraws?

Mr. Powell

It’ll ultimately be left up to the poll, but more detailed sketches (etc) is preferred. I have a feeling the Brooke comic will continue later on tho


That wouldn't be a compromise for people who want to see part 4 begin and meet the new characters and stories.


Great choice on the picture, love it :)


Free form art from your fertile mind and skilled hands would be wonderful. Surprises galore!

Big bad boys

Get the most work out of the way then begin on the new chapter don’t overwhelm yourself bud

Rose Head

I’d like to see more sketches and asks for now I don’t mind brook goes to college being pushed off for the main story for now.


Big fan of Brooke, but I like the small artworks more often


I enjoy seeing the revised pictures; it’s interesting, and sometimes and lightning to compare them with the originals.


So many questions for Trixie and Lynn 🤣👍