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Through great strides and caffeine, I'm on schedule to completely finish "The Real Thing" before the comic update on the 5th, despite the storm slowing me down. Look for it Wednesday in the comic tier. Unless there's nuclear war or something, but what are the odds, right?



William Lepage

Great work. I love these comics. Can’t wait🙂


Who else read that title in professor Farnsworth's voice lol


We are having flashbacks to “duck and cover“ in our household…


Take care of yourself man, I can wait.


Oh so you finished your comic finisher machine, Professor.


But what if we held hands in the fallout shelter?

Asterion Del Toro

Do NOT tempt fate, dude! I live in NYC, we'd be the first target if things go nuclear.

Aaron Digulla

There is always someone who loves to see the world burn :-( I'm all for nukes as long as the only way to launch them is to strap the highest member of the government to the fuselage. Now that would be a picture ...

Aaron Digulla

The good news is that when we all end up in hell, then we can give Mr. P. from R. a piece of our mind. Why everyone ends up in hell? There is more than one religion who believes that every non-member will surely go to hell after they die.


My kids are getting the drills on Youtube. Misery loves company. Also have a geiger counter on it's way from Amazon.

Austin Arnold

Nothing like the threat of a nuclear holocaust to help one exercise that creative muscle. Personally, I just want to see some more smut before I die.


Russian commander: Comrade Putin, the Ukrainians are launching an advance and are taking back territory that we previously held. Putin: Don't worry our comrades in Dagestan will keep it under control. Russian Commander: Well.... Putin.... Dagestan.... Dagestan.... Sergei Shoigu: The Dagestan governor couldn't raise enough men. A counter attack isn't possible. *Putin starts shaking and orders everyone except his generals to leave*