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I put a series of questions to the steering committee tier ($12+) a few days ago, and got a good bit of feedback. Some of it was great and informative, some of it was also a little surprising. Still more was kind of what I suspected. The poll was designed to get a general gist of what people appreciate the most, not to determine what I do exclusively from now on. Still, I wanted the feedback.

I found out that the overwhelming majority of the respondents preferred stories and pictures from the Original Life/Better Days universe, compared to Lumpkinville and Cottonwine. This wasn't very surprising to me, really.

Preferred story atmospheres were rather split. Most preferred playful and comedic tones, while everyone else was almost evenly split between dark and heavy themes, to slice of life non-comedic themes. The latter two were also respectably presented. They were not distant seconds.

When it came to sexual contexts people wanted to see, most tended to prefer socially taboo relationships, and cute/funny/playful situations, with things like adultery and "sluttification" coming in very last. Relatively normal sexual relationships showed respectably, too.

Contextual kink preferences were spread out pretty broadly. Surprisingly, even though most preferred the OL/BD universe, anthro/human sex came up with the most votes for contextual kink. A *very* close second was BDSM/pet-play/master-submissive contexts, followed by "relatively normal" fetish contexts.

I gave a little list of *specific* kink acts people may wish I depicted more often. I'm not really surprised that Impregnation/Breeding/Pregnancy-Risk came out with the overwhelming number of votes by respondents, followed very distantly by "no preference" in second place. Things like girl orgasms and butt worshiping got a smattering of votes with everything else, and I guess I can't blame them. I imagine most respondents figure I'll be featuring those things a lot, anyway. I was just wondering if something specific would stand out that I wouldn't expect, and it didn't.

The last two questions were optional, but I was curious. Respondents were asked what their favorite adult comic story of mine was, so far, and in a bit of morbid curiosity, what their *least* favorite was, as well. More people responded with their favorites, than gave least favorites.

Perhaps it's heartening that a lot of people listed a pretty wide variety of comics as their favorites. However, a few comics got more than a handful of mentions as favorites. The Red Riding Hood series got the most overall (I lumped all four chapters together as "one story" for this measure), which is surprising, since again, the themes in these comics tended to rank low when offered as options for what people would like to see most in the future. It's a weird contradiction, and there are quite a few throughout the poll as I looked at responses from individuals.

However, the second place standout for favorites, with the most mentions, was Twisted Sister. This *coincided* with things people tended to want to see more of in the future, when asked in prior questions (inappropriate relationships, playful comedic, etc...). I suppose the RRH series can be seen in its one shot context, and people can relate to that for itself, but it can never really be repeated with the same strength. Whereas, Lynne's life (and women like her) have personal touches that make them infinitely expandable as episodic gems.

I'm tending to treat the RRH series as lightening having struck and amazed people once, while most of my Original Life characters are wells full of scotch we can keep going back to and enjoying ourselves indefinitely.

People's least favorite was a bit of a surprise. There was the usual diverse response but one title stood out with the most indications. It's surprising to me because it was one of my *favorite* comics to do: Second Chances. I loved the setup, I loved the raunch, I loved how I drew Rachel (finally), and I loved the ending (which I almost never do). It's one of the few comics where just about every page was a joy to render. But there it is with the most indicators of "least favorite." I'm going to imagine it was because of the theme. I offered people the chance to give clarifications to their choices, but very few chose to do so.

There's also a second pause given, because of my plans to include Rachel in my next adult feature after I conclude "The Itch" currently in progress. Albeit, it'll be a completely different kind of Rachel story, but nonetheless, the story has been getting high votes whenever I put it to the steering committee. I believe it only lost out by a few votes to "The Itch" the last time I asked for votes. Which I guess it's why it's surprising to see Second Chances so mentioned as least favorite.

Now, granted, out of the 70 respondents (yes, out of over 300 steering committee members, only about 70 responded), it was only mentioned as least favorite six times. But that's well above all other project mentions. Almost everyone else didn't mention a least favorite, or they mentioned a wide variety of different projects.

I suppose I can conclude that the people who dislike Rachel's antics tend to *really* dislike them above and beyond the other kinds of comics I do. But that a dislike of her stories isn't necessarily so widespread among my readers.

Anyway, above all this was very valuable feedback, and I want to thank everyone who took the time to participate!




Pretty much agreed with the general result but... Whaaaat? Second chances less favourite? It might not be my top favourite but I love that comic.


Hmm, I'm surprised that Second Chances ranked as lease favorite. I didn't love every kink in that story, but it's probably in my top ten. I believe those that disliked it are a very small minority, and I bet if you did a top ten poll many would have it in their list. Definitely looking forward to Rachel's comic that's coming up. :)

hashirama senju

My favorite is a tie between Samantha dogging and twisted sister I would melt if the next Lynne comic had more pussy crushing like in the itch


I actually really liked second chances! Though maybe I'm twisted...


I've just caught up in Original Life, so I'm well invested in the world, especially after the roller coaster that was Better Days. I hope we get an update soon, last comic appears to be from June.


Thanks so much for doing these surveys Jay! I'm not part of the steering committee but they are super duper interesting and I am happy to know you take such a detailed look at them. With that being said, I have no idea why Second Chances got the least favorite tag. I will however say that anything involving Mikey or the Siamese Twins mark very high on my list. Keep up the awesome work!


Original Life and Better Days is just... very eye catching and I love the characters. Fisk and Beth, especially.


I want to see download stats for each comic. That would really tell the story, self selection bias will throw off any attempt to poll for the most loved (or not) comic. But an actual measure of downloads should be significantly more reliable. Unfortunately, I doubt there is a sufficient system in place to track that data.


Thank you for letting us have another vote. I´m also a little surprised about the result of the vote and since I voted for more butt worshipping for example I´m a little sad, too. But tastes are different and of course this can happen if there is an open vote. Of course you´ll still have my support even if there will be a little less butt action in next years comics but I still hope for it to come up in your works once in a while since you do this kind of fetish so damn good! As for Rachel I was very surprised, too. But my opinion is that people like your works because of the variety of fetishes you come up with and you won´t loose supporters when doing a project you want to do. Hopefully the Rachel comic is not chanceled now and I´m looking forward to your next comics and the next year! Keep it up, dude (and "yes", it looks like I´m twisted, too. Screw it! :3)!


Addition: Only 70 people voted?... That´s a surprise!


No, it's not going to affect that, or stop anything I normally draw.


I pay the steering committee amount more because of how long Jay's stuff has been keeping me entertained than for any chance to vote on stuff - in fact the only reason I answered the poll was because it was specifically said it wasn't going to change what he does, he was just curious. Any preferences I have are fairly moot, because Jay reliably creates stuff that's interesting regardless of topic. :D I'll get something I want to read whether it's what I thought I wanted or not. ;)


Second Chances is one of my favourites but if the question was "what comic do you think other people like the least" I'd probably pick it. Much as I love watersports I figure people who don't reeeallly don't like it.


I don't dislike Second Chances, it's pretty good overal, although I'm in camp nowater. (Tho, honestly your depiction of it never has bothered me too much)


Also, I couldn't really place the universes too much, and although I didn't choose RRH, it definitely ranks among the top and I'm more than happy with the universe it plays in.

Steve O

I've always been big on OL/BD, it was how I discovered your work and I really like the characters in that universe.


The first Fisk comic I got a real good gander at was the first Cottonwine story and the second setting I got invested in was the Mary Anne stuff. I guess it's why I like both of so much. Thanks for letting us vote on this. ^.^


May be in the minority, but Cottonwine setting had my preference, as it combined several kinks and preferences, all in one package.


Seems I match up fairly well with the steering committee. Favourites are Hands On and Mikey Begins. Marital Aid...I've never read past the few pages and seen what's going on.


Sad to say I don't match up well. I've never been a huge fan of anthro/human pairings, and personally to Jay, I don't find his female humans attractive. No offense to him, but his style goes for generally similar, lean bodies with chubby faces and hands, and I prefer the exact opposite: generous, MILFy, curvy bodies with lean faces and hands. I guess I'm in the minority on that. As an example, one of the few of the anthro-on-human comics he's done that I've really liked was good old Huckleberry Anne pt 2, entirely because of Lenore. She was busty, curvy, and generally looked her age (30s) and pulled off the MILF look. However, when she returned recently, her body had been redesigned to be leaner and look younger. She no longer appeared to be a MILF, but more a bratty mid-to-late 20s housewife. For me, that killed the appeal.


i know that as a lower tier supporter my preferance might not be as important but i would say that The Adventures of Huckleberry Ann (all four as on) is my absolute favorite story, and if i had to choose a least - which is hard, i guess it would be Cruel and unusual. On a side note, funny that so few participatede in the poll, is that normal?


Thanks for letting us know how the poll went!


As weird as I feel admitting this, I think Sissys Issues might be my favourite, followed closely by Samantha. I don't know if I have a least favourite, not one I can think of off the top of my head, anyway. Love your work, thanks for sharing the poll results with us!


Letting us know your thoughts on the poll is great, it really makes it worthwhile to actually submit an answer for the poll. All in all id suggest you draw what you like best though :')

Vivianne Claire

I'll be honest I never really liked Rachel as a character, nor her comics. You know she may be attractive her personality is kind of abhorrent all things considered. On the bit involving adultery not being popular, I offer it may be because you've presented what some may call "good adultery" and "bad adultery". Where for some characters, ones that we're supposed to dislike, their adultery is bad, but for the main characters, the ones we're supposed to like, the adultery is somehow good. This should be fun sometimes come off as being a double standard of acceptable behavior, or use the excuse of one act of adultery to justify another act of such. On the "sluttification" bit, you do tend to make your female characters much more sexual than your mouth characters... But you do create porn comics, so in my eyes that's more expected perhaps. Just my two cents, glad to finally be able to properly donate again! :)


It's not a double standard if there's an entirely different context. Do not ignore the context. "Badness" doesn't exist in an action independent of it's entire context.