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The weather is  normal and all things are good. I've finished a lot of moving in necessities. I still have some things to do, but I can more or less get back to work as normal starting Monday.

Thank you all for your patience.



Hey! Long as you're okay down there, Jay... We don't mind the wait. Glad to see you doing well!

Steve O

Glad you came through it Ok


just glad you are safe


Glad everything has worked out for you. Stay safe and smutty!


Good to read thinks are good for you. BTW.. just idle curiosity, did / have you ever had good views of launches from the space port in your neck-of-the-woods?


Good to hear that all is well.


it's good to hear everything's alright

Glenn Sellers

Glad to hear everything's all right with you. Matthew followed the predicted path rather closely and passed a few miles off the coast of my home. We're hoping to have power back either later tonight or tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing more of your artistic abilities soon.