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Another work video for the high tiers. Working on another image with Penny. It was a cute idea I wanted to practice. I talk a bit about the usual things, as well as the possibility of doing another "ask" series at some point. I also talk about moving into Orlando, soon.




I always look forward to these videos. It's awesome that you're moving to Orlando. I'm a Orlando Fur myself. As for suggestions or recommendations, It'd be great to have another ask series with your characters. It was so much fun seeing those ;)


Penny is simply adorable and I look forward to seeing more of the little cutie-pie. Preferably in a sundress. For suggestions-- have you ever considered doing a series of 'formal' reference sheets for your characters? It would be an excellent reference point for aspiring artists, whilst shedding some light on less well-known characters. Stay awesome.


One problem I find with doing a series like that is I know I won't cover everyone and it'll fizzle out after about the first two or three as I want to move on to other things. Interesting idea though.


Thank you for another cool working vid! :3 I really hope you´ll have a stressless move to Orlando! Also I like the idea of another ask-series. The last pics from this topic were very great and fun to look at. Personally I hope for Brooke showing up in the vote because she is one of my most loved creations. Can you even tell which characters you prefer most for drawings (like the top three or so) ? Have a nice day, dude!


I think just pure visceral pleasure of drawing, someone like Trixie takes the cake. But my muse varies from time to time, so I'm always changing my focus.


It'll be fun living in the city so close to Disney and Universal hehe ;) In terms of characters you could draw, I wouldn't mind seeing more of your horses. Either Apollo or Alexander. I'm not sure if either of them is the husband Mary Anne is currently referring to in the comic in progress but I was rather fascinated that poll's exploits helped set in turn the events of Mary Ann and Mandy. And after Lenore I am very curious as to whether or not Alexander found the love he was looking for in his life. So yeah either of those 2 would be cool


Good stuff! I feel you on the lack of any new game content. Mafia 3 is the only title that I may be interested, and that is a strong maybe; at least until the new Mass Effect is released. On the topic of art, it's amazing to see all the new content that is being released. I'd love to see more images of Red, Sissy, and Rachael (hopefully Rachael will show up soon) in any form. I don't know if you ever talked about this, but I'd love to hear about the inspiration for the designs of characters I listed. There seems to be some more to them than we know and I'd love to hear about what inspired you to create them, and if you thought they'd be as popular as they are. Thanks for the work video! I always enjoy hearing what you have to say. :D