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It's been two years, but I'm going to do another round of asks for the steering committee tier. I like some of the cute stuff it manages to produce. I know I don't always get to all the questions, but I'll try to get to as many as I can!

Thank you all for your support!




Sweet. Hey, Red. What do you think of the new WWSD2020 rifle? Pretty slick, right?


The Wolf Queen: How go efforts to replenish the diminished numbers of your tribe?

Sky Rider

Koari, have you ever made someone pass out while they were worshipping your ass?

Michael Sterk

Hey Beth, Who was your first?


Hilde, how did you and Aaron first get together?


Hey Penelope :3 Did penny or genwyn convince you now to be bi-sexual or are you still denying it?

Buster Davison

Did your husband end up finding out about you and Hadrian, Mary Ann?

Lord Kaio

Greetings Jeremy, Red and you have had your arrangement for awhile now, every think about wanting more? Learning more about what she does and the like?


I'm going old school. Amy, what happened after Summer camp? are you and Austin still together?


Genwyn/Penelope Have there been any interesting "encounters" while you played you dungeons and dragons game?

Texas Gent

Hey Beth, what was your sex life like while you were pregnant?


Hey Lucy did you ever have any pregnancy scares with your brother?


sorry my insomnia has had me up for the last too days i meant Lucy


I can't cover that here because it brushes up against things that aren't allowed on Patreon. But the answer is no. :3

Ygor Matheus

Beth, knowing you're going to have a son, what do you intend to do in ten years?


Hey, Brooke How are you and Alicia? Are you still committed to being her girlfriend? Are you two still fuck buddies? How are you 2 with doing anal together?

Cute Uncle Gobu

Aaron my guy would you ever be interested in starting a pornogrind or pornonoise band/project? If so what would you name it?


Aron, have you ever dressed up as a girl again since the first time you did it to get with Audrey? if so has it led to any interesting results?

Aero The Highwind

This one is for Mai and Minh. Are you two still employed with Priscilla or did you go through with running off? If the latter, where did you two end up?


To Red: How long can you hold your breath under water, or how deep can you swim?

Jim D

Veronika R.: How did you become a honeypot spy? Is it something you volunteered for, or were you recruited?

Mr. Powell

Fisk, what brand of Cigars go best with Friday evenings?


Mai & Minh: How have you been? We haven't heard from you in a while.


Someone already asked a very similar question about where they are, now, prior. Feel free to ask something else or narrow it down to something more focused for those characters.


So Trixie what happened after breaking it off with Ty?

Wind Might

Hey Billie, your baby from the shemale mouse girl is born?

Emilien Wild

To the cat from Chasing Justin: What is the optimal number of slave mice one should have?


Hey Red have you ever been with other women before? You do sort of have the look.


To Hilde: Do you have to wear a suit for work?


Trixie, what is the most awkward way you’ve had to sit/stand while shaving your lady bits?


(Not sure if we can ask multiple questions, but I'm not expecting all of them answered, just trying to give options) Trish, how are things with you and Mary Anne? Has the love lead to something more than just amazing sex (and, if so, how do you balance that with her promiscuous nature)? Lynne, have you ever worked your unique charms on a fellow female, before (and do you have any preferences when it comes to ladies)? Beth, was anyone there for you through the pregnancy and/or raising your son?


To Sheila: How have things been going for you lately?

Rose Head

This one’s for Lynne. Who was bigger genwynn or Charles?

Earra Ashen

Hey Red, which is better; 5.56x45mm or 7.62x39mm?


Billie: Please tell us a little about Your family life with Your new addition to the household. Are the Boys and Girls behaved and getting along well? P.S. I would like to take a walk with You in the park someday. :-P Thanks! and be well!


Coach: How many girls have you been with, and what would it look like if you could get them all together for a harem?


Francesca, do you have a type or are you more of a “If you want something done right do it yourself” kind of girl?


Sissy, have you ever been with a woman? If not would you consider it?


Yes! Thank you for asking, I had the same question.


@ Mai and Ming: How've you guys been? Did you guys take the third option on your vacation?


Penny: If for a day you could be in control of your partner, what kinda of crazy kinks (If any) would you indulge in? Like what keeps you up at night as you try to sleep, what wonderous fantasies would you partake in if it was all up to you and the conditions were right.


Two people have already asked how they're doing. Feel free to narrow down to something specific (no incest) or ask about someone else.


Francesca, what is your bra size?


(Might come up in the comic but if not...) Penelope, what's your experience with penetration like before Gen and Penny? Did you use penetrative toys a lot? Were you normally top/bottom/switch with other partners? Any differences between the toys and the biological parts jump out at you?


Lupe: I know you love all dogs but would you say their is a particular breed of a dog that you favor or that you are fond of?

AquaWolfX 87

Hey Fisk, what are the grandparents opinions on your kids?


hey brooke, how did coach’s dick taste?

Brandon Lynch

Lynne, which of your partners so far gives the best facials/ur fav?


Question for Red. Have you ever touched yourself to fantasies of Fisk and you getting together and getting knocked up by him?

Shawn Barr

Question for Flounce and Persia: Has Mikey expressed interest in being part of your cuckhold triangle?

Pocket Rovain

Sissy, how often; if at all; do you see your brother these days?


Sissy: What was college life like?

The Birb King

Priscilla, know anyone under your willing to having my kid and letting me help or just raise them? (Sorry if this is late, I've been working myself till im sick lately and completely forgot about this.)


Coming back from better days: Nikki how are you doing these days since we last saw you and do you and frisk still keep in touch?


from better days: Jessica what has your life been like lately


Joined up specifically for this! Question for Beth: Have you ever been with a horse or horses? Any love for those sorts of men?


Horses aren't anthros in the Original Life universe! Sorry. I should make a chart some day.

Stryker Colt

Red. whats your EDC? been thinking about a glock myself