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I put my next adult comic up for a vote with the $12+ steering committee, and this is how it broke down after about a week. It's funny to me that there's over 300 $12+ patrons, but only 63 people put in their two cents. Either way, looks like I'll be doing Mary Ann's new story next. I still definitely want to do the Rachel and Lynne stories, but they'll just come at a later date.




Yay Mary Anne is next


Partly saddened that Bestiary got such low votes but it's okay we'll see it eventually. Really excited to see you draw Mary Anne and those stud stallions and horses of yours ;)


Dang, i knew that was going to happen with all of the grown up Mary Ann pics recently. Oh well, maybe next time Lynne :/


Only recently switched to $12, guess I missed where the steering committee votes :/

Sherri Mayim

That was super close o.o

Steve O

Woot! Woot! Mary Ann rocks.


Usually is. I thought I'd post the results to all the $6+ tiers so people could see how close it often is. The good news is it means Rachel and Lynne are super popular, too.


Come on Mary Ann/Trish comic...It's what I wanted since the two first met in comic...


I've thought about doing a good story about just those two, but I don't think it'd be very popular. Maybe a little single image thing down the road.


Can't wait to see this. Is it going to be original MA? or Milf MA?


Lynne and/or Rachel would have been fun, maybe next time around.


I'm just here for the beer! Voting spoils the suprise. :P


So what was the beastiary one? And will this feature Mary Anne older like the recent pics you where doing


shouldve know Mary Ann would win since those pics came through but at first couldnt remember who rachel was then went through all the comics and found her. Almost doesnt matter to me what comic u make ill like it either way

Lord Kaio

Either way I'm excited to read the next one.


Mary Anne was my second choice after the bestiary. ^.^ So I'm still happy, still hope we get to see the Bestiary one day.

Sneaky V

Bring on the debauchery :D


Mary Ann and Lynne crossover with the vote being so close?


This will be a good comic for sure. And also good news that Rachel will be a project in the near future. Can´t say it´s a loss because all of your works are great. I just like the dark and kinky atmosphere in your Rachel projects. Greetings!

Glenn Sellers

Wow! That was a close vote. May I suggest that you do the next comics according to this vote. In other words, the next comic after Mary Ann would be Lynne and then Rachel. Of course, it wouldn't matter to me. I like all three characters.


After Mary Ann's story, I hope Rachel's is next.


I am very very much looking forward to this and some new horse action. Good luck drawing that and working your magic, Jay! Your art still amazes me :3

Goth Skunk

Holy crap those vote results.


Was rooting for lynne but Mary Anne was lacking material as well.


Will it be MILF Mary Anne? Or young Mary? I hope the former, like recent sketches have teased!

hashirama senju

Dang I was hoping Lynne would win but they are all awesome characters so I can't complain 😅

hashirama senju

So since Lynne was second in votes does that mean that her conic will come after Mary annes?