"Chasing Justin" Started (Patreon)
Madeline's comic "When God Sleeps" has been completed this month, as I thought. It will post in its entirety on the 5th of November with the comic updates. The beginning of "Chasing Justin" will be posted on the 5th as well. The Steering Committee voted in a poll to revisit the Lumpkinville world and look at Mary Ann's brother, and his various ladies. This is what prompted the recent Dixie redesign.
The comic will be fairly light in character, but heavy in fetish. For heavier comics, I'm deciding what I want to do as a picture series, versus save as a serious long form comic for next year. It may be something else I put to vote in the steering committee tier.
Keeping you all up to date on how things are going. Stay tuned, and thank you for your support!