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OL 589 is up, now, kinda wrapping up this little plot arc. Sorry the last page took a while. It's been a busy week!




Oh Fisk, such a good daddy ^^


Aww, that's really sweet. I want kids some day.


but how about a world where he has better kids and a better wife *coughbethcough*


all 3 kids are awesome. but and ending with fisk/beth would be hot.

Glenn Sellers

Nah, that would never happen unless he met Beth before he met Elizabeth. He fell in love with her when he picked her up for their first date.

Glenn Sellers

Yup. He's turned down a lot of hot women just because of his kids. Of course, that could also be traced the Elizabeth's first husband cheating on her and Fisk doesn't want to hurt her like that.

Viro Veteruscy

*reads page* Yeah, after reading Better Days years back and getting to this point, I like where things are. It would be interesting to see how things would have played out like a "What If" scenario on how Fisk would have taken the whole Nikki thing or Lucy's decision to ask Fisk to go out with Elizabeth. I'm glad I randomly came across the series back then and stuck with it as I did with "Sabrina Online" and I look forward to seeing how things are. I look forward to to future whether this series ends and something replaces it or otherwise. Keep up the good work :3


i followed the link and 589 isn't there. did something happen?


That was incredibly sweet conclusion to this arc. Very nice.