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Some thin wet clothes practice. I also did a little tweaking of how Lynne's darker fur covers her. Getting rid of it along the neck area, and also going the other direction on the ever broiling internal debate about how much of her butt it should cover, and in what shape.




Watersports is always welcomed! I know I would love to see more.

Rose Head

Big fan of Lynne, top five female leads easy. Being wet certainly doesn't hurt


More watersports!


I love how this came out!

Matthew Tierney

Looks excellent, I think the stripe down the neck of darker fur looks a little better, but I can see it both ways.


The splashes of pubic hair protruding from the panties is a nice touch. Slightly disheveled in a nice way.


Looks nice, i dig it ^w^


Man I hope she put up a wet floor sign


I'm not a fan of the differently colored pubic hair but I'm in the minority :P


:D <3 IDK what else to say, it's great!


Jay is Peak pee content in almost every way. No humiliation, no mindless brutal dominance against "the helpless women" or any of that cliché shit. The character design that must have gone into conveying Lynn's personality in an somewhat realistic, sometimes almost relateble way, while also making her actions, not feel like they were forced into the scene just because of some thought it might be hot. I am impressed as always. And horny.