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OL 588 is up, now. http://jaynaylor.com/originallife/



One can only wonder where Fisk would be had he not fallen in love and settled down . . . And actually Multiverse is something you should look into for a future comic or OL chapter XD


Abigail is just the best.


Rule #4 to being a successful parent: When your kids start explaining things to -you-, just agree with them. XD

Glenn Sellers

Well, Abigail is right, you know. Decisions made create alternate time lines and, if we had made a left turn instead of a right turn, what would our life have turned into? Of course, Fisk's response is so typical and believable. LOL.

Wm. Van Ness

I believe the "It's A Good Life" parody has already taken a look into the multiverse/alternate timeline concept.


I sense a change in setting coming now.


I want to know how Jane explained having a car.