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Here's another work video for the $12+ tiers, as usual, open to questions and such here. This time I talk a little bit about Cottonwine, the Aron comic, some more about video games. When I do another one, I will probably go through all of the unanswered questions from the last time I did an "ask" event, that I couldn't get to with an illustration.




I've long been very interested in the prospect of a Cottonwine Bestiary. The universe is one of your most well written and thought out and I'd love to see what other creatures inhabit that world. Oh I see now, when you first posted the Q&A I assumed it would just be a basic Q&A I was unaware that the more astute and whimsical questions would be illustrated with humorous responses as you have so far done. I know that now for future Q&As. And thank you for answering my question about the Wolf Queen anyway. By that response I can tell she has many heirs and that is all wanted to know :) Apart from my question last time regarding the Human Queen of the Cottonwine world I was curious if you were eagerly anticipating any new game releases or will u have to wait until E3 to know for sure?


I've been enjoying Dark Souls 3. The story is hard to follow and the side quests get confusing, but i really enjoy exploring. Finding fake walls and hidden paths, usually leading to wonderful loot. What kind of player are you? One who likes to run through and beat it quick, I doubt you're a PvP type, or are you more methodical? Do you play Uncharted's multiplayer? If you do, when you get 4 we should play together! I perfer the co-op multiplayer the most. What are your thoughts on No Man's Sky? And are you looking forward to the new Deus Ex game?


This is probably a question you get a lot of but have you ever thought about bringing characters back from Better Days into OL like Amy or Robert for instance? or even characters like Samantha, who haven't been in either?


So good to have another working vid. I always chill out while watching them. Kinda takes away the stress for the time watching. From the things you told us I´m very looking forward to the first Aron pages. My question is: Do you thing that a comic project in the future might come up in black and grey like your older works? Somehow I asked myselt this question a little longer now. I really love your color works and comics and there is no need for new styles, but I just wanna know your thoughts! :3 Have a great day!


I hate the stupid Patreon UI updates they keep coming up with. Thought I was holding shift, but noooo, it had to be ENTER *sighs*. Now on to what I was going to say. So you like the Dark Souls games, yes? I could never get into them much, not with the constant progress reset on death. It's like someone rewinding the same scene of a movie over and over again. Though if you like them all power to you. Do you like or play anything else besides RPG games? Any shooter, RTS, or fighting game style games? Or do you just prefer to focus on RPGs? Also, are there any games you're looking forward to? I do have a question of the hypothetical variety, if you will humor me. You've made your life creating and drawing comics, but what if somehow you suffer some complication that prevents you from continuing? What would you most likely do to continue to make a living? Thanks for taking the time to read this! :D


Thanks for another great work vid, they're always enjoyable! I can't help but ask about the Power Armored Bunnies storyline. You mentioned that a full comic series would be impractical-- I'm assuming this means something in the New Worlds vein. What format would you take instead-- full novel, with maybe one illustration per chapter? Or something more episodic? Regardless, I'd love to see more of your technical work-- tanks, spacecraft and such. Take care and best wishes :)