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Aron's project is in full swing. I still haven't settled on a final title, but there it goes. The inner workings of his mind unfold, here, and it's almost the sort of comic that could go on for a very long time. I'm not sure how you patrons feel about a comic that just goes on for a long time as the months unfold, but this could be one. I mostly worry about myself wanting to diverge to other things in the meantime, but bear in mind, given Patreon's format, I can easily bounce around.




Hay Jay do you eat the booty like grocery


I like long comics, u take your time with this one Jay ^^


It could be a series in segments. I have no problem seeing it broken into parts as an ongoing series. Be like "Aron Diaries" or something. :3


Oh my god!!!! This pic looks so yummi! *.* Make it a long one, sensei! :3 Great!


I'm in agreement with goddess on this one. If Aron does have the story and mind to turn a comic into a long series, go for it. Your Naylorverse is something unique, story driven, something that many great writers and comic developers need to create a wonderful world. TLDR: go for the long comic


A wallpaper of the puddle puppy lady would be nice


Yeah long comic series would be grate


I have a question. When, or are we, going to see more of the lutrai and Hakaihu? Sorry if I butchered his name. :/


Well I am a new supporter here and haven't even gone through all of Jay's prior work as of yet, but I am loving every moment of it and glad I decided to join in. My personal opinion is in favor of a longer comic though!


Go for a long one! Personally I enjoy stories that involve couples and meaningful relationships over short flings. This seems to be going the route of the former.


Questions 1. Smut? 2. Butt stuff?

Brandon Harden

I'm in support of whatever you create, Jay. A long comic is an interesting endeavor, and I will await your work patiently should you choose to go through with it.


Sounds great to me with however you want to do it.


You do what feels right. That's how it should be...


Based a few things Jay has mentioned … probably never.


A long-runner sounds good.


Long runner sounds like fun


I love Aron but dont want you over worked either lol


Don't really care for Aron or his story line. There are other characters that I'd rather see in a long term comic, but the idea does sound cool.


Long term sounds good to me, always happy to have no material to preoccupy my time with, even for the lesser loved characters.


I'd love to see this in a series kinda like rise of the wolf Queen.


Dood it

Tyro Thunderdrone

I think a good title could be something like pressure point since he works as a massager. But go with whatever you want mate


I have zero objections to this comic running for as long as you need it to. As long as there's more Zoe butt, it's alllll gooood. :D


This would be an amazing long running comic. A variety of lovely ladies..a new perspective. I think its an opportunity for a fountainhead of creative discovery!!!


I think "Aron" is all the title you need. Really been looking forward to this project, as Aron has been the character I most relate to ever since he got a haircut and a job. A long-runner would be great, it could take time and properly establish Aron and his perspective on the women in his life. Something like that could even be set aside for a few months at a time, if needed, and returned to later. I've got high hopes for this project!


I also thing you can just title it "Aron".


Personally, I'm still waiting for The Kitty Sutra 2. Anyone else? No? Just me? OK then.


Can not wait for the Aron comic!


Long running sounds good to me. As you said, you can easily bounce between projects at your whim, so as long as it's something you think you have more to write, you can keep it going.


I like the idea. Story time!


Given that he is involved with a number of my favorite ladies and characters of yours, I am all for this. Would like to see more of Audrey and Mary's life, and Aron can help with that as well.


Long comics are great


Bring on more comic!