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Amazingly found some time to scratch out a picture of Pepper, with the intent of getting her colors down a bit.

She's a friend of Brooke that didn't go to college. She'll be appearing in the Brooke Goes To College comics when I eventually resume them.




She reminds me of a friend of mine. In looks, body language and clothing style. Congrats on getting married. Meranda sends her regards and was genuinely thrilled to hear the news.


I am and I shall.



Lord Kaio

I'm in love


If she's the new Coyote girl, she is looking great! Love her already!


Wow... 10/10

So far she is one of my most favorite that is a beautiful pose


This is beautiful, what tablet and program do you use btw?


Also congrats on the Marriage!

Lord Kaio

I think canine girls are my favorite. I need to commission a wolf girl tattoo from you. Best use of my stimulus check 😋


Yoooo. She's hot.


Good Gawd Almighty. She is glorious! She oozes sexuality and seduction. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with her. Great name for a great character.

Mary Mauney

She’s really cute, I like her coloring!


Congrat :D she's beautiful. Also would you consider getting a cintiq?


Very beautiful!! cant wait to see her in the comic! its getting spicy in here


Wonder if she has a friend named salt?

Glenn Sellers

I noticed. I think she needs to buy some that are a size smaller so they don't fall off so easily. LOL. Looks off as someone speaks to him. Huh? What's that? You don't think they fell off accidentally? Why would she . . . Oh, yeah. Never mind.

Aaron Chandler

I hope she and Brook have some fun together.



Leo G.

Excuse me, miss... You seemed to have dropped something and I think it's going to cause a mess. Can I help you clean things up?

TY 2022

Another one of your characters I wished was real!


wish there was a fully nude version!


A Sultry, salty subductress if I ever saw one

Hammer of Terra

The definition of lithe and can't wait to see her in action!


She's really cute!


She has some nice hips, very cute.


Man this piece really speaks to me on some other level, I absolutely love it. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it has to do with her bottom.

Darth Zoloft

I might have just fallen in love with Pepper.

The Fur

Pepper, seems tall. But yet amazing hips and chest! I know being taller puts you at a disadvantage sometimes, you don’t look as thick or curvy. On the other hand she Is perfect thank you N for putting her in BGTC can’t wait to see her perform!!!


Dem hips 🤤 She looks like every boy with an older baby sitters wet dream or fantasy.

Richard Elmer

Probably my favorite character yet~ I hope to see more appearances of her!