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Another work video for the $12 tiers. This one went a little long to the tune of about 40 minutes. It involves working on a page from the latest Wolf Queen comic. I think it's vague enough to prevent spoiling.

If you have any questions you'd like me to expound upon in upcoming videos, please feel free to ask them here.




You may have mentioned it in a past video but do you plan on doing any more of those ask me a question you where turning into sketches? I haven't seen any in awhile.


They generated a lot of questions, so if I ever went ahead, I would probably do more that I have saved from that, than make a new one.


I always enjoy your videos. Your blunt honesty is refreshing and somewhat charming. It made me chuckle a few times.


This is probably a question you get a lot of but have you ever thought about bringing characters back from Better Days into OL like Amy or Robert for instance? or even characters like Samantha, who haven't been in either?


Hey thanks for answering my questions I had no idea that Lumpkinville was more a cartoon world then a real world like Original Life. Thats really interesting to know, especially since it means for more magical type stories like with your witch in that universe the fun you may have writing stories in the future for it. I have a question for the Cottonwine Universe. Regarding the humans, you intrigued me with how you portray the different races of that particular universe. But I was surprised when u revealed that the humans won the war against the Wolves. Regarding the Royal Family, I recall the Queen conspiring with the wolves in the 3rd and 4th chapter of FOLRRH, and last we saw she was pregnant with a wolf pup, I was curious as to whether or not she survived the war and if she'll be relevant plot wise in the future, considering though a wolf her child will be a prince or princess and that may make for an interesting political plot point in the future of the human kingdom. (I hope its not a trivial question, I wouldn't wanna bother u with a mundane question, but it's something I've been curious about)


I should have worded that last question a bit better but thanks for the answers! You're the best!


It´s always a sad thing to know some jerks are spreading your works all over the net and then some jackasses are trolling and hating about why there is no "anal action" or whatever in your newest comic. I can´t understand people doing these kind of things because they´re the first ones crying when they can´t get their dose of "free" porn. I´m glad to be able to enjoy your work here and wanna thank you for your kind words. No question this time but I enjoy hearing about backrounds of your characters and simply calm down by watching you draw. Also I´m asking a lot of stuff and today it´s sunday, so I´ll call it a day! ;-) Greetings!


Well, I have a few questions. I hope that's okay... First, and naturally most important... Fallout 4 DLC. Thoughts? Excitement level? I know you play on PC, does the ability to get mods effect your interest in DLC? Also, you have mentioned that you aren't a big fan of MMOs, preferring not to have a bunch of other players getting in the way of your experience. But how do you feel about co-op? I am also wondering, since I don't think there has been much mention in a while... What's going on with the Space Bunnies? Is that still in the works? I really enjoyed the chapters you put out. Finally, I would love to hear your thoughts on the upcoming election - if you are inclined to share.


DLC was a good addition, I like to play games alone, Space Bunnies isn't something I have time for, and I don't want to talk about the other thing.