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For years, I've sometimes flirted with the idea of a nun character, but never went beyond individual images with it. My thoughts tended to swing between her succumbing reluctantly to sinful temptations, to being an outright closeted hedonist or satanist, hiding it very well.




Yes please


I'm all for the closeted hedonist

Lord Kaio

She's fantastic. I can't wait to see her in action commiting pleasurable sins


Could easily be the former leading into the latter as she’s corrupted over time.


I’ve really enjoyed the few images you’ve done of this scenario. Especially with that large handsome demon goat hehe I’m quite partial to the former very very much but I could also see it leading to the latter as time goes on and it’s a character you return to. It would be very fun to see an innocent religious Virgin succumb to list and desire slowly but surely overtime


Dat ass! I love both of those ideas. Perhaps a comic chronicling her reluctant, curious "fall from grace" and eventual change to the secret indulgent of many "forbidden" things. But, that's just a fleeting thought. I'm sure whatever you choose to do with her will be awesome, all the same. :D


That's a habit I could get into!


Why not both

Lord Chaos

Catholicism WOW.

David Shiffer

She is one of those nuns who believes whatever she decides to do is justified, and nothing wrong about it in any way... the innocent type, that you can not see as doing anything wrong... soft voice, sweet disposition, upbeat, positive attitude, making you not question anything about her regardless of what she says or does...


Im loving this idea!

Aaron Chandler



Makes sense that it'd be a cat. Make her Siamese and I think you know which way she will take it. :)


I'm in favor of the closeted hedonist: I'm always in favor of role reversal stuff


Sounds like a sexy character arch


So like. We talking LaVey/Temple of Satan, Black Mass, or something more direct like what's happening in the Wolf Queen/Haukaiu stories?


Requesting motherly seducer, guiding little lambs (of appropriate age) to adulthood,


But hey, if you really want to go all in, the nurse from Bible Black (with mystical appendages) is fine, too.

Joseph Thurston

Nun meets succubus would be grand. But not sure if succubi are in this world or not


I don't know yet. Probably my own house blend. The modernized flavors of satanism seem kind of toothless and formal, and from a writer's perspective, I haven't really studied them in depth. But the philosophy of physical rebellion is something I can expound upon. Plus I don't want some know-it-all ackshuallying me if I get something slightly wrong about LaVey or whatever.


She's really cute!


Cute face 😁


Love her tail! But maybe her slowly falling into temptation would allow for greater character development.

J. Patrick Walker

Do both characters. Either the corrupted one corrupting the other. Or a split personality/possessed idea where sometimes she’s the innocent one and sometimes the deviant but one or both are unaware of it.

Chau-ta-u-auch-ca Rollings

Which ever way you decide to develop this character I can guarantee thee she will be habit forming. but if i can make a request I think she should be blind like Visas Marr but be able to see thru her faith.

Rose Head

I’d prefer the secret hedonist attempting to seduce “men of faith” making them betray their wives so that they’re forced to look at kids that look like them every Sunday but that’s me


Just those curves alone are sinfull


I like the split personality one. Little devil and Angel on her shoulders.


Temptation always seems like more fun than hedonism.

Leo G.

"Hail Holy Queen Enthroned ... Below?" Or would it still be "Above"?


Hmm I think I would be going to church more if she was there

William Seal

Hope we see more of her :3 (also the secret degenerate idea is very interesting)


she got the holy cross all up inside her

Bad Dog

She looks gorgeous

Texas Gent

Perhaps instead of satanist you could design a sort of neo-pagan fertility cult, plenty of opportunity for hedonism that way

Gregor Eder

Holy ... well I forgot what I want to say after seeing that holy backside ;-)

Vylon Delta

I suppose you could make your own hedonistic religion?


I'm just imagining a nun and a succubus trying to preach to each other, and convince the other that their way is best/right. Would make for a curious read.