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I sketched this out last night real fast. The original drawing was oriented vertically, so in tilting it, I created faded areas around the edges. Nonetheless, was a decent warmup.



Mary Mauney

AW YES! F/F is my fave so I love seeing this from you!

Frank the Bear

The edges make it feel like a dream sequence. Super cool

Mr. Powell

Almost makes it seem like a flashback or a dream. These little seldom instances of female on female ‘love’ is quite the treat. Keep up the great work J.


Very Nice! Jay I have a question: In your art creation process what differentiates a "Warmup" image and one that is the final released art piece? Thanks! ☕️


I don't spend as much time on it doing all my usual finishing processes. It's just a quick thing I do.


Love them girls.

Glenn Sellers

Ah, Beth is my favorite feline character of yours and Trixie is my favorite canine character. Before their first time in "Original Life", I never would have even remotely imagined Beth as being interested in girls. Obviously, I was wrong.



Gregor Eder

Indeed a very good warmup.

Ann Hupe

Very nice touch! Thank you so very much for sharing.


Like the fading. Should do it more often Jay.

Tam Barlas

To heck with the fading, give us more Beth and Trixie

T-rex 1973

So Beth. What does Ty taste like ;)


More boob squeezing, please. I love it!

Rose Head

The boob squeezing must increase this quarter jay there just wasn’t enough of it to make up the shortfall from last years boob quota


Such an amazing picture, sadly going to be my last one I'll see on this site before I have to give up my subscription to save money


Sorry to hear. Thank you for your support! I hope things look up for you soon.